Happy Halloween Everyone

I’m not going out tonight cause it’s a work night and I’m a pussy, but the wife and I went to Salem on Sunday. I love Salem anytime of the year, but everyone comes out around Halloween so it’s extra fun.
Not dressing up this year for a change...I'm a soccer mom, though, so I'll go dressued up like one when I take my kids trick-or-treating. Party time on Saturday, then we'll see if I can't muster up something!
I´m going to a halloween death starts party, so in a few minutes i will try euronymous corpsepaint..however i have a very bad feeling that it will end like an idiot version of ronald macdonald...

anyway, have fun everyone!
I'm not to into dressing up, skip the fancy stuff and hand me a beer! Too bad theres nothing to do in this town...owell, a by myself party!
My friend convinced me to dress up today.. so i used the hour free i have when i wake up.... For once i applied makeup, did something of my hair, removed my tricorn hat because of my hair, and wear that 1920ish red dress i draw out of the movie Frida (if youve seen the movie, the scene where Frida dance tango) my mother sewed about 2-3 years ago i never wear.... and ive seen all my friends tonight at that goth bar... as always im not staying so long because i need to catch the last bus... was nice though... got to see some very nice costumes.
20 fucking litres of candy (!!) safely collected but not entirely devoured by my two children, I can honestly say that one Minish and one Link slept like logs and woke up happy this morning. Mission accomplished.
here r some pics



this is me with a chicken buger from Mac. lol

If it does, please post pics.

ummm actually it was nice, i did not look like a retarded version of a blacker,actually everybody agree that my costume was the best by large in there...if i find any pic i will post it,because i dont owe anyone myself as i´m aware that cameras+alcohol+party wont end fine with me...