Happy Halloween Everyone

here r some pics

Your corpse paint kinda looks like sunglasses! Black Metal sunglasses! :lol:

ummm actually it was nice, i did not look like a retarded version of a blacker,actually everybody agree that my costume was the best by large in there...if i find any pic i will post it,because i dont owe anyone myself as i´m aware that cameras+alcohol+party wont end fine with me...

:lol: Good to hear you were not the retard clown of the party!
to dress up for halloween in my country would be considered totally gay, and an influence to americanization and capitalism.
Last year i was at a bar at halloween and this guy brought his disguised kid to trick or treet... in the bar... how gay. He didn't get anything... he was the only person i saw disguised apart from a group of disguised fashion victims who must have been to a party or something.

Yet if i lived in the US, and if i were under 16, i'd disguise like a zombie in the 28 days/weeks later movies... with a dozen friends, and we'd run around in the streets yelling like the zombies... haha. nay.. (but that actually would be a cool idea..)
Just to be, well, my usual self... Hallowe'en is a Celtic holiday, or at least a Gaelic one: Samhain, with the usual Christian revisionism now attached. It's only been celebrated here since the Irish Migration. My ancestors weren't big on holidays, I think the only one they celebrated was Easter. They denounced pretty much the rest of them as being masked pagan holidays (Hey, they were right about some things. ;) )
@amon666: love the corpsepaint!! my friends and i did that a couple years ago.. i wish i could find the pictures!!


im such a classy lady! i know there are more pictures out there somewhere of me in a stoned-and-drunk stupor, probably showing my ass some more...:Saint:
regardless of how pointless or commercialized it is, its still a damn good time.

I agree with you 100%. It’s always a good time. And it’s one of the few holidays that has such strong pagan origins that’s still celebrated. Plus being a guy a truly appreciate some of the more “adult” costumes the ladies wear. :rock:
Yeah well, don't get me wrong. I think its a really cool holiday, but its only cool in north america... When its imported elsewhere its just capitalism at its best. not that its not capitalist in the US but at least its backed up with real tradition... like christmas.
Speaking of which... Christmas is celebrated in Japan.. well not Christmas really but they do have Santa Claus and that is totally gay! comparable to Halloween in Europe... Santa Claus in Japan...
What has the world come to?
Halloween is just as much an imported holiday for the US, it's Celtic by origin as I recall

if i´m not wrong it is the celebration to samhain took by the irish to the states, in here there have always been meetings on that day the only thing we dont do is that trick or threat( or whatever the name is) so as long as that is not at the party i do not feel UScence..

and partying is good!!