Happy Halloween!


May 23, 2011
What are you guys doing for Halloween?
I know what I'm doing.. Wearing my Slayer shirt and going trick or treating with some friends! So what if I'm 17, it's free candy, and.. free candy is.... totally fucking bruuutall.. :kickass:
Dude, I've gone trick or treating when I was like 22...with beer in my bag.....

To be completely honest, I know some friends who were around that age aswel and actually still went trick or treating. I think it's alright really, I don't see a reason not to go haha :lol: soo much fun :)
Haha, you guys are dumb.. i just wait for the kids to knock on my door and steal their candy instead, much more effective!
Just had dinner with my family and my dad says when he was young, his buddies would steak little kids' bags of candy....soooo wrong. :lol:

The past 4 or 5 years I havent gone....a bit too old for that now....pushing 30.... but the past few years was Halloween shows/parties that my bands played at which was always fun. This year - sitting home, alone.....probably watch some horror flicks and get stoned out of my gord.
Just came back! I had alot of fun trick or treating with my friends, came back to my place and chilled. was pretty awesome, however theres barley any houses now that actually have hallowwen decorations. back when i was 10, like every house was hardcore decorated, now its jsut likie... 2/15 houses will have... either way i got some fucking candy and i'm gonna fucking... mosh with candy.. :kickass: