Halloween Music


May 11, 2001
Cary, NC
OK...Halloween is coming up...my wife and I are trying to come up with some good music to play while passing out candy to the throngs of trick-or-treaters....

Any ideas from the realms of metal?

I was thinking maybe some Burzum (the ambient album that starts with an H), or some Agalloch...

What else?
Nurse With WOund.
Current 93.
Midnight Syndicate (sorta cheesy tho)
a few Univers Zero songs.

that remdinds me I need to check out "Deaths Design". I have one song but i know thats like hearing 1/40 of a song... or how many songs are on iit
Forget Deaths Design, go for Nightwork by Diabolical Masquerade instead, it's far more cheesy and appropriate for Halloween (and it's better, too :p) :D
Some old Obituary could be cool too, 'Choped in half' and songs like that. John sounds like a friggin monster :D
There is no really 'scary' music, but something strange like Arcturus or Dillenger Escape Plan will cause a lot of kids to skip your house :)

I also can't imagine any of the parents that take their little kids out with them bringing their kid up to a house playing music with death vocals (like bloodbath or something).

If you want some cool creepy-ish music for the kids, but don't actually want them to run away in terror Fantomas - Director's Cut comes to mind. Great album filled with covers of mostly horror movie themes.
Hahah!! Probably not the most appropriate for Halloween, but if you stick some Nile on, I doubt anyone will come near the house.

Erm, now let me think...how about "Katatonia - Brave murder day"?.

Oh and to capture the spirit of Christmas for Carrol singers, why not stick one of these beauties on: :D

Emperor :)
Mayhem :D
Immortal :)
Darkthrone :lol: :lol:
Burzum :)
Marduk :D
Dark Funeral :)
I completely disagree with the Agalloch and Death's Design suggestions. Sure Death's Design is weird in places, but definitely not scary.

You guys might laugh at me, but I would recommend the song Hecate Enthroned - Ode to a Haunted Wood. I always found that song to be quite scary, still do.
Blast the new Nile on full volume and you'll be rid of any trick-or-treaters. :D

If you only want to play an apt halloween horror soundtrack, I suggest Virgin Black's "Sombre Romantic" on repeat.
Old Ulver
Diabolical Masquerade - Nightwork
Early Burzum (that will keep the little kiddies away from your house) "AARRGGEEREHHHHHGGEEEEEERRRHHGGGHHH!!!!!"
Wrath era Emperor

And I save the BEST FOR LAST.....

Mistigo Varggath Darkestra - The Ky to the Gates of Apocalypses
There is nothing more fitting I don't think.