Happy Jewish New Year


Bathrobed Architect
Dec 17, 2008
Yes I am an atheist. But I still am being forced to sit down with the family for Rosh Hashana dinner because I still live in the same house with everyone else. So what better way to relieve my boredom of this than to share that with all you guys.

At least my great aunt makes us AMAZING gefiltefish every year and I will most likely be raping the merlot at the dinner table as well anyway.

Happy Jewish new year all.
Do you get to wear a yamaka and play with a dreidel? Do you get to play monopoly with your family and everyone cheats? If not, then it is not worth mentioning, unless there is good food.
Yes I am an atheist. But I still am being forced to sit down with the family for Rosh Hashana dinner because I still live in the same house with everyone else.

Certainly there's a solution to this. It may be the last solution you'll need. You could even call it a Final Solution...

As I said, the gefiltefish rocks myriad pairs of hairy jewish balls. Yes for the skullcap, no dreidels yet, we're too cheap to buy monopoly. Probably the chicken and vegetable soups are going to kick fucking ass too.

Kitler ftw.
It's September 21st, according to my calendar the new year starts on 01/01/10.

..on another note: the only good thing about the holidays is my mom's cooking and seeing my awesome family.
(too bad I don't see them as often... :( )