Happy New Year 2009!

Steve Smyth

Lead Axe
Feb 27, 2002
I know I'm a few days late here, but wanted to wish everyone who still visits this site a very Happy New Year, and all the best for 2009!

I have recently had my 2 year post transplant health followup, and am happy to report that after 2 years, the transplant is holding up fine, all the numbers the docs want to see are there, and I haven't felt better in years! They're happy, I'm happy, that simple!

2009 will be a busy year for me; stay tuned for footage from EMG studio's The Cube, and some footage we shot back in September 2008 for them, in the form of lessons! As you all know, I am a teacher, and have continued on with my teaching career, in addition to a return to a recording and performance career as well. I still offer online real time lessons, via webcam, and always have room for more, so if you're interested, please check out my website for more information! In addition to now teaching at a music academy in the UK called BIMM, I am also presently a visiting faculty teacher at the Institute of Contemporary Music and Performance in London, UK. Those of you located in the UK, stay tuned for an announcement coming soon about another VF opportunity with me in London, coming soon! Expect more from me on the teaching end of things, and more accessibility online as well! I still enjoy teaching, and plan on continuing with this end of my music career for a very long time to come!

2009 will mark a return to metal for me as well! I have been writing with a good friend of mine over the last year in the UK, and we're assembling some great, heavy, progressive METAL! I feel really good about these songs that I have written over the last year, and very good about the people I have spoken to about this as well, so am looking forward to transforming this project into a full fledged band, and getting back out and jamming some FUCKING KICK ASS HEAVY METAL in your faces this year!

Also forthcoming is another bit of related metal news about another project forthcoming as well. The only thing I can say is stay tuned, it's gonna be a great and fun year in METAL for me I believe!

And last but not least, The EssenEss Project wrapped up our first year of performances together! As this is completely self financed, we were only able to get a handful of shows in, but we have recorded some of these shows, and intend on putting as much video and audio offerings online this year, so stay tuned above, we'll let you know when they come out! Steve Hoffman and I are also writing for another record in this year, and right now, are just in the planning stages of production, and gathering ideas, etc. Stay tuned, this stuff is going to be even more wild than the debut album, I promise!

Oh, and lest I forget, we've finally got killer video comps from Sweet Leaf comin' atcha this year as well, so stay tuned, we'll get links up here in the next several days!

Oh yeah, and NAMM appearances forthcoming in the next week as well, so stay tuned!

So there you have it; those are my plans for this coming year. Keeping busy, but having had the experience gained of how to manage/not manage a busy schedule, as evidenced by my health episode a few years ago, I intend to not stretch my self any further than I am capable of doing, but as always, will give 200% at everything I set out to do this coming year!