Happy New Year!!


Mistress Sassmuffin
Feb 11, 2002
Tampa, FL
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Thanks to Mike and Malena for hosting the party - I am so glad I got to ring in the new year with my favorite crazy people :loco:

Hope 2005 brings much love, laughter and happiness to all!

Man. Going back to Milwaukee is going to suck...

*big hugs*

Just now crawling out of my cave to wave and wish Happy New Year! This was probably the best NYE I have had in a long long time. Thank you SO much Mike and Malena! Good company, good libations and the best conversations about topics near and dear to me that have really motivated me!

Too bad I then decided to go smoke free the next morning.....I think Scott's idea for quitting smoking is the best......plenty of prozac and thorazine, a straight jacket and a nap for at least a week!

May 2005 Rock a helluva lot harder than 2004 did! And 2004 kicked major ass!

Coldie...smokeless 5 days and counting
well......let's see....since Scott is still Gov...no weed for him till...retirement...in 9 years if he so chooses. By then he will have quit the cigs and can take up his hookah for a peaceful retirement. As for me and the wacky tabacky...only at ProgPower and NearFest.

Why? ya holdin? ;) Hook a sista up!
