The greeting card counterpart of a true metalhead's maturity...lol...thanks Omin, that was entertaining. Happy New Year to the guys in the band, may this year bring forth the release of a second fantastic album and complete happiness in your family/personal lives as well. Happy New Year to everyone on the forum too!
Hey Omin, I am 100% in :)))
In half an hour please come to continue on Dancers:)))
well, i`ve got to say something. this 2006 year was not so successfull as we wished and not full with important events for our band. But, despite this circumstance i steel believe that you guys are not dissapointed with us. The new CD is coming soon anyway. we`ll do our best and we do it.
Let me wish to all who read this forum and support us luck and well-being in next year. Lets rock!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Heppi nju yiar Mishka!! Ju ken sit, drink wiz as! Wi wil be rkordink rayt afta ay em bek from Estonija! Ay hev sam gud njus for as!!! Heppy nju yir for evrivan tu!!!!! Kobocepishetkl!!!
HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY!!!!! Bulamorvodkizakurit'chtoptyadaykanaynakobanlupatitnehodi-
Yohoo!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR FOREST STREAM CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Wish you a year full of good events! :) Much love to you all!!!!! :)
Happy New year, guys! :)

I would like to do an interview with Forest Stream for the next issue of Maelstrom, are you guys interested at all? It'll go up at the beginning of February... :o