Happy Thanksgiving!


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Since we hace quite a huge bunch of USA people here, I think it's fair to wish them a great holiday long weekend on behalf of those of us who don't eat turkey, cranberry sauce and stuffing :saint:.

Have a safe trip, enjoy family and friends and keep metal :cool:
I had posted this elesewhere...on the forums


:lol: Thought it was pretty funny....gonna be a loud and wild one tomorrow...we're playing hosts this year.

Yes..Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Thanks Wyvern and be safe headbangers!!! :kickass:
I'm pretty excited, actually. I have two jobs and I rarely get full days off, but I don't work my second job on Thursdays and my department is closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas for my other job. So just the idea of being able to sleep in that day is pretty amazing.
Thanks Wyvern.:kickass:
This is my favorite holiday! Lots of Football, food and drinks!
Psyched! I have the next two days off and will be starting the celebrating soon with the annual Thanksgiving Eve cocktails in nearby establishments with some family and friends. Kinda like ST. Patty's Day in Nov. Happy holidays everyone...Cheers...be safe and thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here; so I'm gonna spend next weekend at the coast with my wive, away from the family :p
I really wish I had the next 2 days off. Usually I take off the Thursday to sit and watch the Lions screw up, but alas not this year.

Plus we celebrate ours a month earlier than the US - and ours is on a Monday so we only get a 3 day weekend.