happy valentines day

Happy Ballantines Day.

hehe http://www.ethnic2020.com/MeaningofValentine.htm

How can you celebrate St. Valentine's Day in a way that honors the original Valentine, who was martyred for his devotion to God?

First, give your life to Christ.

Second, declare the truth about God's love even if it costs you something.

Third, become a servant to those you love, rather than demanding that your needs be met. According to pastor Alex Stevenson, we all want to hear the phrase, "Be my Valentine." It simply means "you are loved."

This Valentine's Day, remember that you are loved. God loves you and wants you to be His valentine. The love that God gives us is not like the world's love. The world's love is only as sturdy as a paper Valentine's card. But God's love is not a flimsy, cheap imitation: it is the real thing. It is an all-giving love that was and is willing to suffer and die for our deliverance.

Will you be God's valentine? It is your choice. Say yes and give to God the love He desires. And when you do, remember the first Valentine and how he gave everything, including his life, to the God he loved.

Now I'll have to bookmark that one :tickled:

Du bist der Zucker in meinem Kaffee. :lol:

Du bist der Zucker in meinem Rammstein Nachtigal. :ill:
ok you get your first hug from me marta. it's an e-hug, but i promise you i would have given you a big hug if you were here. so hope that counts as one?

it's only 1:30 am there right now eh? so thats still early, dont get so pessimistic, you've got loads of time, love
don Du bist eine hübsche Biene!

tell me what great love songs you've all been listening to tonight, this one is the last one before i go to bed... it's on the radio, it's fantastic!
siderea said:
tell me what great love songs you've all been listening to tonight, this one is the last one before i go to bed... it's on the radio, it's fantastic!
No love songs tonight, listening to Therapy? instead:

"With a face like this I won’t break any hearts
and thinking like that I won’t make any friends
screw that, forget about that
I don’t wanna hear about anything like that..."

Goddamn it, all night, even during my sleep this bloody radio(s)hit is going in my head, even now

Theeese words are my own
From my heart flown
There's no other way
To better say
Iloveya Iloveya


happy bollixtime

*hugs Don*

I like that Therapy? thing.