happy valentines day

valentine's just bollocks designed to force us boys into a spending frenzy if we want to have the slightest chance at getting anything that day! so no, I say! wont happen! I'm not buying anything! I'm not kissing anyone! I'm not gonna go outside today! I boikot this day! so hah! take that you...you...yo... *sigh* I need a girlfriend...

in other news, if you don't use dental floss in 14 days your mouth will be dirtier than you asshole.
snow2fall said:
No love songs tonight, listening to Therapy? instead:

"With a face like this I won’t break any hearts
and thinking like that I won’t make any friends
screw that, forget about that
I don’t wanna hear about anything like that..."


therapy? have being having a major tape revival on my decks these days, infernal love, suicide pact, the demos etc. Sound
Brynjar said:
valentine's just bollocks designed to force us boys into a spending frenzy if we want to have the slightest chance at getting anything that day! so no, I say! wont happen! I'm not buying anything! I'm not kissing anyone! I'm not gonna go outside today! I boikot this day! so hah! take that you...you...yo... *sigh* I need a girlfriend...

in other news, if you don't use dental floss in 14 days your mouth will be dirtier than you asshole.

The correct term is boycott, comes from the innovative use of a moral and physical blockade against evil english landlords by the irish peasantry, first used on a captain boycott, hence the name.
Bambi said:
but what would you want with céad bó báinne anyways?? o_O

sounds cool, eh?