Lord Foul
I don't spank men
I don't get people who can't be happy without having a boyfriend/girlfriend. Seems like a major personality flaw to me.
I don't get people who can't be happy without having a boyfriend/girlfriend. Seems like a major personality flaw to me.
.I should add as a caveat that I have never been what I would describe as "in love," nor have I ever been in an exclusive, monogamous relationship. It could certainly be me that has the personality flaw
a god point, man. the only difference is that i am not permitted at my dad's house tonight because my best friend and brother is there with his girlfriend, and i can't go to my mom's house , cuz her and my stepdad are having a romantic night. so i have to sleep at my friends house who is sleeping with one of my guy friends. hahaha, so i can't really avoid the day. but in all honesty i'm not that lonely today. i'm just saying that if i wanted to be that should be ok.You see other people together all the time, man. You just think about it more when it's Valentine's Day. It's kinda like Chanukah... you don't care about it unless you're Jewish. Why care about Valentine's Day if you're single?
i think being a dick is also a character flaw.
Welcome to the boards bro. You've had it fucking EASY compared to most new people. You are LUCKY. Seriously.to be honest, i think you guys just like giving me a hard time cause i'm the new guy. but whatever. i think being a dick is also a character flaw.
i am perfectly fine, 6.99 days of the week. feeling lonely is a natural human response, not weakness. i never said i spend my nights shivering in a corner or crying myself to sleep. on a day where everyone has someone to love, it's ok to feel a bit lonely. honestly i haven't even had a bad day. it's not even that lonely. if you guys want to be dicks and pull apart everything i say that's fine. character flaw... whatever, i guess i'm a weak person with a weak character.
to be honest, i think you guys just like giving me a hard time cause i'm the new guy. but whatever. i think being a dick is also a character flaw.
that's not a flaw man, there's nothing wrong with that. i tend towards comitted relationships. whatever, i guess it's just a prefferance thing. neither is a flaw though.
You didn't know? Yeah he got the hammer a while ago, I think because he went to other forums to stir up shit, and everyone knows the only forum that tolerates shit-up-stirring is the Neverboard. And so Deron said, he said see you l8er boi.James got banned? For what? That sucks.
it's cool man. i just think it was posted a bad time... hahaha.I wasn't actually directing my comment at you, more a general statement of opinion
this is a strong warning sign that you'll have trouble fitting in here
Seriously dude...
You're kinda gay.
That's all. Move along, move along.
Thats offensive man, I'm Jewish.
You're getting abnormally good treatment for a new guy.... although you've been registered since May 2007. where the fuck were you this whole time?
Waxing his chest.