Hara Hara Shankara Shiva Shiva Shankara


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
It is known to him to whom it is unknown, he to whom it is known does not know it. It is unknown to those who know, and known to those who know not.
There is no difference between Jiva, Gagat & Ishwara. There is no difference between Ishwara, Guru & Atma
yes way. there are no Nazis! none! how can you have an Indiana Jones movie with no Nazis?! Bulletproof Monk is more of an Indian Jones movie than Temple of Doom!

(i really mean that too. i watched Bulletproof Monk (Chow Yun Fat and Stiffler) last night and it is a total Indiana Jones ripoff that changes into a James Bond ripoff near the end)
Yeah, but if you think how the Aryans sort of brought Brahmanism to the Indus valley and how all of the India developed that into Hinduism, he was pretty much surrounded by proto-Nazis through the whole film.