My review of Enemies

By the way Siskle and Ebert I was not looking for your approval only to shed my thoughts.
Both of you should maybe think about becoming professional at this you seemed to have the attitude.
Oh yeah tough guy I forgot to mention because I was afraid I might spell it wrong,I threw it up here before it was edited just to get a feel of the feedback.
Sorry for that.
wesjaques said:
You know, I should have known better than to post that here, so I deleted it. It will be posted at my website for those who want to read it.

My hat goes of to Mr. I-am-superior-and-my-typing-skills-are-unmatched.
Learn to give ideas and opinions without being a prick why don't ya?
Fuckin' amazing...

wesjackass said:
I am also sorry your vision is so narrow that all reviews should be based soley on the music.

So tell me, what is a review for if not to tell us what the fucking music sounds like? You said "Nevermore has a unique sound" or some tripe. WHOOPEDY-FUCKING-DOO. If I didn't know what Nevermore sounded like, all I would learn from your review is that some guy who can't find his enter key likes Nevermore. That's not a convincing article.

You posted a review. Matt and I gave you our honest opinions. Listen to us, it'll make you a better reviewer.

I have 4 new reviews written and they have all been sent to my editor.I admitadly suck at typing but I thought ah fuck it I will throw this one up at the neverboard and see whats shakin and websters dictionary and supreme metal writer had to go off like they god's they are.
Dont worry I will let you know whent they hit the rapture site!
and black winter i appreciate what you said and thats the kind of person i am i was not bowing to them i was just pulling the review off because i am not interested in the highly superior i wrote reviews for 3 years at a huge mag i am not concerned about what they say as much as i was just getting out of the ring with people with zero clue.
wesjaques said:
You know I should have known better than to post this here.I deleted it.
It will be posted at my webiste for those who want to read it.
amay hat goes of to Mr.I am superior and my typing skills are unmatched.
Learn to give ideas and opinions without being a prick why dont ya?
Fuckin amazing

*Scratches head*
I wasn't being harsh until he started being a little bitch. We offered suggestions, and we didn't bother to wrap them up with ribbons and greeting cards; he whined and moaned and insulted us and pussed out because he can't take criticism. Obviously he missed the help buried along the way.

What huge magazine did you write for, Wes? Bear in mind that this isn't any kind of credibility–have you seen Metal Edge's reviews? *shudder* They make Blabbermouth look like objective geniuses.

If you don't have the balls to back up your review against criticism, and the good sense to take advice where it is offered, you shouldn't be writing reviews.

Disciple–the enter key is an oft-overlooked facet of general good writing. Who wants to read forty lines stuck together in a single paragraph? It's hard on the eye and makes the mind wander.
Pyrus said:
I wasn't being harsh until he started being a little bitch. We offered suggestions, and we didn't bother to wrap them up with ribbons and greeting cards; he whined and moaned and insulted us and pussed out because he can't take criticism. Obviously he missed the help buried along the way.

Disciple–the enter key is an oft-overlooked facet of general good writing. Who wants to read forty lines stuck together in a single paragraph? It's hard on the eye and makes the mind wander.

Exactly. That review was typical stuff you might see coming out of a grade 7 or 8 classroom. I made comments on the grammar because I could literally not tell what the hell he was trying to convey to us.