Hard rock Dual Rec clip! (Exocaster & Where She Wept collab., Faderhead samples)


Aug 29, 2005
Y'know, I don't think I've ever posted in the Rate My Mix/Tone forum before, so here it goes...

Here's a chunk of a track I'm working on for my hard rock project. It's pretty rough at the moment; just drums and two tracks (one take, two mics) of rhythm guitar. I centered the guitars so the mix would make more sense without the second guitar part. Here's the link: Battle Of Wits With An Unarmed Man test

The signal chain, as far as I'm aware, is as follows:

For the guitars, LTD EC1000 with Seymour Duncan Custom 5 in the bridge --> 12 ft. Lava cable --> Boss TU-2 bypass out (as splitter) --> 1 ft. Lava cable --> MBox instrument input.

Jim (Where She Wept on the UM forums) reamped the dry track through his 3 channel Dual Rectifier loaded with EL34s, on Red/Modern (I don't recall if this was channel 2 or 3) through a Behringer cab with WGS Veteran 30s, miced up with two SM57s in the "Fredman" pattern. There's some EQ on the guitars from Cubase's built-in 4 band parametric, and that's it.

There'll be more to this eventually, like the second rhythm guitar (Mesa Stiletto Deuce through Marshall 1960AV), bass, solo, and some programming. Maybe even vox if I'm feeling particularly daring. ;)

Oh, and thanks to smy1 for the kick and snare samples. I blended in his Tama Starclassic kick and Pearl snare on this.
Did i say i had the EL34's? a week or two before i did the reamp i switched back to the Integrated Quad of 6v6/kt77's. it was ch3 modern also. the clip sounds naked with one guitar and no bass. i cant wait to hear it mixed with the Stiletto.
Did i say i had the EL34's? a week or two before i did the reamp i switched back to the Integrated Quad of 6v6/kt77's. it was ch3 modern also. the clip sounds naked with one guitar and no bass. i cant wait to hear it mixed with the Stiletto.

Whoops, that one's my fault. I assumed you had EL34s in there since you swore by those in the Recto for a while. How are you liking the KT77s? I've been tempted to install some of those in the Stiletto before I track anything with it for real, since it's due for a retube anyway.

Personal experience tells me the Stiletto and Recto sound massive together. I ran it alongside a 3-channel Triple for a while in an industrial/thrash/death band I was in.

I reeeally like that guitar tone!

Thank you sir! I do to. :headbang: I never managed to dial in something I was happy with using Red/Modern on my own, but he managed. That is some thick, thick tone.
I like it already, it has a cool vibe and guitars sound very good. The samples have been a good choice also.
So........... sing :)
Whoops, that one's my fault. I assumed you had EL34s in there since you swore by those in the Recto for a while. How are you liking the KT77s? I've been tempted to install some of those in the Stiletto before I track anything with it for real, since it's due for a retube anyway.

Personal experience tells me the Stiletto and Recto sound massive together. I ran it alongside a 3-channel Triple for a while in an industrial/thrash/death band I was in.

Thank you sir! I do to. :headbang: I never managed to dial in something I was happy with using Red/Modern on my own, but he managed. That is some thick, thick tone.

Mmmm, you asked me to reamp before christmas, right? i was alittle slow. Now that i'm back in a band again, i've kinda been going back and forth between the EL34 and Integrated quad. the KT77/6V6 combo has alot of the chacterististics of the EL34's, but alot warmer. Actually i love a duet of EL34's, very clean a sparkle-y. awesome for downtuned guitars because the low end is much tighter. but when ruinnig a duet in place of a quad i have to double the impeadance of the cab to fool the output transformer. IE if the cab is eight ohms then i run it out of the four ohm jack on the head. and The WGS speakers have a different impeadance than the Jensens that came in the Behringer, and the Behringer's jackplate switch setup is retarded. So i have to run a quartet to keep the impeadances right, and i only have 2 EL34's at the moment. (That's why i switched back). i'd like to get the speakers into a cab that isnt particleboard, they may sound even better.

I'm torn on that Red Channel too, the Orange has more bite to it IMO.
Damn. The Stiletto on Red/Fluid Drive is warm enough even with the EL34s. How's the low end compare tightness-wise with the 77s or the quad to the 34s?

I'm running a duet of 34s in the Stiletto for tracking to push the power amp a bit more at lower levels. The Stiletto, more then the Rectifiers, is really dependant on being turned up to come to life. It's Marshall heritage shows there, albeit in a sort of unfortunate way.

Makes me miss my old Mark IV, though. That tone was all preamp, but sounded killer at any level- best master volume I've ever heard on anything, no comparison. (Good thing too, 'cause it was loud as all hell. Layed everything to waste volume-wise short of my old '76 Marshall JMP.) Here's an old clip of the Mark IV recorded at somewhere around conversation volume. Mark IV Demo Clip And one turned up from a demo I recorded for my old bass player a few years back: Mark IV Studio Clip It did sound glorious for lead stuff on Tweed Power/Class A/Pentode with either EL34s or (my favorite) NOS GE 6L6GCs and a combination of JJ ECC83s and Mullard RIs in the pre, but way too loose for heavy rhythms with that much power amp action going on.

That was an early 1990 Mark IV medium head (serial in the low 1000s.), with the "A" lead channel, which is apparently pretty much a IIC+. Scored it at Guitar Center for $550. Just needed a retube. :D
you got rid of it!? I'm dying to get my hands on one.

I like the KT77/6V6 combo alot. i'd say the tighness is on par with the EL34's but it's harmonicly richer than anything i've heard come out of it. definately warmer. I do get torn over the el34's becasue there's so much more clairty to them, and i need clairty becasue the band im in now is tuned to B and all my stuff for my record ranges from Bb - C#. but the KT77/6V6's are warmer without being muddy. It says right on the Eurotube's site that it gives the warmest sound ever heard from a dual rec and I'd agree 100%

that one clips sounds like one of Heather's songs, if only that CD sounded as good as that clip does.

Reminds me of the Music is art Festival '04 :puke:
you got rid of it!? I'm dying to get my hands on one.

I like the KT77/6V6 combo alot. i'd say the tighness is on par with the EL34's but it's harmonicly richer than anything i've heard come out of it. definately warmer. I do get torn over the el34's becasue there's so much more clairty to them, and i need clairty becasue the band im in now is tuned to B and all my stuff for my record ranges from Bb - C#. but the KT77/6V6's are warmer without being muddy. It says right on the Eurotube's site that it gives the warmest sound ever heard from a dual rec and I'd agree 100%

that one clips sounds like one of Heather's songs, if only that CD sounded as good as that clip does.

Reminds me of the Music is art Festival '04 :puke:

Yeah, I'm an idiot for that one. I let a ton of gear go around the time I went back to school, and I'm only now starting to be able to afford to replace it. If you want clarity, you'd love the Mark IV. Tightest thing I ever played. When I was in Degradation, we had some stuff tuned down to A where I used an EMG-loaded Jackson with the Mark IV. It was as tight and clear in A as anything else would be in E standard.

I'll have to snag some of those KT77s then. I'm mostly in Eb for my rock stuff (with a couple in drop C#) and I'm using my Strat a ton on there too- I put a Dimarzio Virtual Vintage Solo in the bridge and it sounds really agressive under high gain- so I have plenty of clarity as it is.

...and that's because it is one of Heather's songs, chopped up to make a Mark IV demo. :p The demos for the second album sounded so much better than that first CD, it was stupid. I'd demo a song the night before practice in my little basement studio on totally average gear (ok, I had a '76 JMP and a first-run Mark IV, which are a little above average, but not a Neve or Neumann in sight) and it would come out sounding light years ahead of something recorded in a real, professional studio on top-of-the-line gear. :rolleyes:

Ah yes, MIA '04, or: "Well, I can hear the drums; hope for the best".
Im still kicking myself for getiing rid of a 2ch dual rec i had, i don't think it was pre-500 but it still sounded awesome.

i get the feeling you're misundertanding me on the tubes, so want to make sure. i'm using and integrated quad from Eurotubes, it's 2 KT77's in the outer sockets and 2 6V6's in the inner sockets.


MIA '04:puke: geatest moment of my musical career! :puke: you got the triple rec half stack and i got the LS Combo, and i couldnt find the footswitch and turn off the Dick dale reverb and while im swearing at the gods of amps trying to understand the fact that i flip the switch to off and it was still on :loco:... i hear "OK guys go" and the drummer counts in.... i think i told you this once, but halfway thru the first song i looked over at you and realized i was playing the wrong song. How many people were we playing in front of? 500 or so? being videotaped for DVD and i think we were live on the radio right? :cry:
Chris gave me an mp3 form the MIA CD and it's the worst guitar sound ever! for any genre! my guitar sounded like a dying cats humping!!!!