Hard rock/metal mix i'm doing


Apr 30, 2006
Middlesex, England
Currently mixing 6 songs of a friends side project band which i also tracked.

Check this out: http://download.yousendit.com/66BBEB4A5CC3BD41

Drums are 100% natural, well 99% as i mixed in a kick sample i got off here (called best kick on earth) i tiny bit to give a little click.
Drumkit was some Yamaha kit, mics were d112 on kick, sennheiser e604's on toms and snare (strangely i liked how it sounded) and sm58's on oh's and hats.
Guitars r 2 tracks of esp ltd mh400 - ts9 - 5150 - marshall cab with v30's - sm57.
Bass is my Spector Q5 straight into amplitube + rbass, they dont yet have bassist so this was just done real quick.
No vocals as they dont ahave a singer yet either.
Let me know what u folks think.
Not mastered yet and still have a some little tweaks to do (accoustics need to come up) but i'm real happy with how its sounding, wanted to stay natural on the drums as drummer isnt a metal drummer (so soundreplacing etc wouldnt sound right) and i liked sound of his kit anyway.
when i think rock, i think big room sound. i think that's what the kit is lacking, especially on the snare. The kick sounds plasticy, it could be fatter. The bass sound could have more bottom. The "clean" guitars are too quiet, and they could use some sort of reverb/echo. The guitars sound good, but there's a strange Fizz on the top end. It's not super noticable though.
ok i'll look into those points. i know clean guitars need to come up.
I'll give a bigger verb a go then see how that sounds on kit.
I like the kick sound so i dont think i'll change that.
I'll have a look at guitar fizz but i think i was worried about taking too much top end off as it can then sound dull, i'll see if there's an obvious naughty frequency sticking out.
Cheers for listening, this is the first thing i have totally tracked and mixed myself so still learning as i go.