Hard rock tuned to G# with real drums!


Sep 14, 2008
Started throwing mixes together tonight for the band I'm working with. Still got a few reamped guitar tracks to throw in there. What you're hearing for rhythms, cleans and leads is various guitars through a Rivera K Tre and Rivera cab with a v30/t75 x pattern. What you're not hearing yet is the Soldano, Dual Recto and JCM800. The Rivera is set for a very "big" sound to fill things out, the Soldano and Recto will be the majority of the tone.

Bass was a Warwick Corvette $$ 5 string.

90% real drums. Kick and snare were augmented with a sample, but the snare is pretty buried to be honest.

Lead vocals have minimal tuning on them. The lead was tripled and the two mults panned 20-20. They were time-aligned with the lead, but left untuned unless something was way out. Rode "the fader" on the mults.

Harmonies were quad tracked with two different singers, then time-aligned to the lead and tuned. They were tuned more than the lead, but still not as much as seems common these days.

Overall, there's a lot of automation going on with the drums and the rest of the tracks in the verses. Wanted those to be very low-key compared to the pre-choruses and choruses.

So, here we go, my 2 hour first mix for this band's EP:

As always, tear it apart, guys.:Smokedev:
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Gotta agree there. Got some more automation work to do with the vox, and I think the guitars in general need to come down.