Hardcore mix, hows this sound.

Jul 31, 2010
The guitar tone right now sorta blows, The guitar we tracked with was some guitar with some duncan design pickups and i knew it was going to not sound super good, We are going to re track the guitars with a EC 1000 this weekend so ill post a update, Just wondering how this is sounding so far. also the vocals im not fully done with, we need to re track couple parts and i need to mix them a little tighter so any advice would be good.

This is not the full songs its just clips from it

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13978357/EOS TEASER MASTERED WITH POD FARM.mp3
The guitar tone sounds pretty boxy. I doubt that is the pickups fault. I'd tweak your settings a bit. maybe even (gulp) scoop the lower mids a tad and boost the upper mids a hair.

The vocals don't sit well with me. WAY too much breathing noticiable. Also there are breathes between words in a line and that is almost always a no-no. If the vocalist can't get the lin in one breath, split it up and edit together.

Actually forget all that as i didn't read the second line of your post. :lol:

Overall its pretty good. A little more work and you will be golden. :cheers:
The guitar tone sounds pretty boxy. I doubt that is the pickups fault. I'd tweak your settings a bit. maybe even (gulp) scoop the lower mids a tad and boost the upper mids a hair.

The vocals don't sit well with me. WAY too much breathing noticiable. Also there are breathes between words in a line and that is almost always a no-no. If the vocalist can't get the lin in one breath, split it up and edit together.

Actually forget all that as i didn't read the second line of your post. :lol:

Overall its pretty good. A little more work and you will be golden. :cheers:

Yeah man thanks for the reply, yeah honestly im pretty sure its just the guitar tone, because its a pod farm patch that have used for countless bands that i have recorded over the past few months and it always sounds great up until this one, Every other band i recorded used a EC 1000 with EMG 81 85's and i never had a problem with bad tone.

The only thing that im keeping the way it is in the mix is the drums and the bass, im going to change everything else in the final mix and deff the vocals.
Im mostly worried at this point that the drums sound really up to par.

For the final cut im going to be running my 5150 ts808 and mesa cab setup, so whenever i reamp and get everything else tracked ill post a new update.