Hardcore Mix needs opinions (Mix/Master)

Sounds good man, I could listen to that as a final mix.

Just one thing, why is there someone speaking monotone at 1:20? If it wants to be there at all it should at least be shouting since it's hardcore, just sounds dumb speaking.
I know hardcore isn't keen on clean mixes, but I hear some clipping going on with the guitars like crackles and pops, very low in volume but still there. As for the monotone thing going on on guess to why you did this would be to make his vocals more intelligible but in order to do that he needs to talk,change pitch or use less rasp at the same speed he screams. As for tones I think the guitars need less bass I'm listening to the track and it sounds like a blanket over the other instruments in the bass region. Tones are honestly a matter of preference but when there's mud and a lack of clarity some tweaks need to be made.