Hardcore Mix

Hey thanks pennylanes, but I think thats guitars need a little more than surgical eq ....

Muchas gracias, pennylane, pero piesnso que lo mismo las guitarras necesitan un poco de eq para que acaben de encajar en la mezcla.
Good mix man! Sounds alot like Terror's early stuff.
Drums could be a bit more aggressively compressed, maybe a parallel compressor or something. It's just the snare that sounds as little too polite compared to the rest of the mix.
Thanks for your answer xTomx

all drums are real and i have a 2bus with parallel compression.....i´llj try to change the comprssor in the second bus to make more aggressive the punch of the drums....
drums are like on lowest of the low somehow muddy (esp. the kick)
If you shape the kick too much with an eq it will sound unnatural....I would blend in some kick sample but only underneath the real kick, to give the kick the smack.

I realy like the arrangement.
Its a great tuff hc song :)