Hardcore shit with a lot going on

This is a track of my band's. It's only two guys. My guitarist, who composes the music, programs the drums, and tracks guitars and bass.
And myself, who does vocals and creates synths and all that stuff, whatever, who cares about that?

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9992828/Instrumental MASTER.mp3

I overloaded this with synths, I think.
I kind of love it. If you hate it, fuck you.

Just kidding.
It's pretty much just a demo.

Would anyone care for the stems after I track vocals this weekend? This was a lot of fun to mix, for me, with all the stems.

Here's the second mix. Less st00pid synths.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9992828/Instrumental MASTER2.mp3
Yeah, I'm listening on laptop speakers so i can't be sure but it sounds out of key and all over the place. Just not good in my opinion.
That's most likely because I programmed it as irrelevant to the guitars.
It's kind of like a epic synth song was just slammed onto a deathcore song. The idea is dumb and makes no sense.

But I love how it sounds. And that's probably because I've never heard anyone do something this ridiculous. Haha :D
Well, actually there's some pretty nice synth parts in this. Yeah it's overloaded but who cares haha, I would just leave some behind but the idea is cool and funny.
I'm going to be completely honest with you, the synth needs to go. It makes the song sound like a joke.

I wasn't going to be that harsh... but I do agree.

The synths fit on some parts, but for most of the first half of the song, until ~1:42, they are just wayyyyyyyyyy too in your face. I could see some of the parts working a bit better if they were lower in the mix, but a lot of it just seemed really out of place, especially the single note runs all over - They sound cool as accents every once and a while, but every beat is a bit annoying IMO. Until 1:42, I just wasn't digging the synth at all in most parts, it just distracts the listener way too much from the rest of the song how it is now. There's also some parts that are slower and speed up later, where the synth stays at the same speed as before and it just doesn't fit well for me.

I think the synth could have some cool potential in the song, but get rid of all the single note runs and I think it would be much more listenable - That and turn the synth down/mix them in there better.
In the beginning it sounds very bad but after a while it gets nice(r). I like it though since the song itself (just guitar and stuff) is pretty boring, synths spice it up a bit. :)
I might tone the synth down in some parts so it adds flavor to the mix but in a way that isn't so overpowering, not for the entire song but some parts. Overall I kind of like the wacky synth, reminds me of We Butter the Bread with Butter if you've ever heard them. I think in general the song/mix sounds pretty good though.
Well, I'll admit that I spent some time on the track last night and I came to the conclusion that all that stuff was just too experimental to let be.

I'm going to take out most of the synth. Save for a few parts. Like the part that comes in with the trumpet and then the violin joins in.
That shit is DOPE

I'll post the mix without all that shit soon. :]
Bass drum is way too loud, snare sounds a bit thin, I don't like the synths (mainly at the organs at the beginning, it gets much better from the trumpet bit to the end) but I think you don't really care haha. The trumpet part was real cool.
Bass drum is way too loud, snare sounds a bit thin, I don't like the synths (mainly at the organs at the beginning, it gets much better from the trumpet bit to the end) but I think you don't really care haha. The trumpet part was real cool.

Are you talking about the first or second version? I should put the second version in the original post.

Also, yes. The trumpet part is definitely my favorite. Considering the lyrics I've written for it, I think it'll be my favorite part of the song. :D
do you want my honest opinion as a producer?
then read.....no harm intended!!!!

1. this has absolutly nothing to do with hardcore
2. the synth sound like *** and will never work with the riffin

It sounds like a nintendo soundtrack ontop of some chugga chugga bree bree

do you want my honest opinion as a producer?
then read.....no harm intended!!!!

1. this has absolutly nothing to do with hardcore
2. the synth sound like *** and will never work with the riffin

It sounds like a nintendo soundtrack ontop of some chugga chugga bree bree


No harm received!
I'm glad you say it has nothing to do with hardcore. Hardcore is way too saturated with all these popular bands produced by Sturgis. I love em. All of them. But I feel weird making music like that.

Also, I know it won't work with the riffing. It's not so bad to experiment, though. I'd rather do something different than play it safe by writing stuff people have all heard before, ya know?
Quite interesting song, everything sounds pretty clear. Really like the kick and snare, care to share info on them?

Honestly.. kick is a mix between a kick of Circa Survive's, of Born of Osiris', of Of Mice & Men's, and of one that is from SSD, I believe.
I did a bit of EQing to change the sound more, too. It's something I thought would be a cool idea--to blend all those kicks, for stuff that I use non-commercially. And that demo is only a demo, it isn't commercial in any way, so hopefully I'm not breaking any laws. ^_^

I honestly don't remember anything about the snare. I'm pretty sure it's something sampled mixed with an SSD snare. I EQ'd the balls out of that, too.
Quite interesting song, everything sounds pretty clear. Really like the kick and snare, care to share info on them?

I dont know what it is, that everybody thing sturgis does hardcore bands?
I mean the only band that had slightly something to do with hc is for the fallen dreams.....

there are so many bands out there doing modern hardcore, oldschool ,new school, ny-hardcore and all that stuff....and they get realy pissed if somebody claims that attack attack! or the devil wears prada have anything to do with hardcore.

just sayin