Harley Benton g212 vintage


New Metal Member
Feb 11, 2011
Žiri, Slovenia
I hope there weren't too many posts about this cab, but I'm really interested. Im buying 212 v30 cab i need it asap :) I the best choice for my 6505 would be orange one but since I saw this one in thomann I kinda liked it when I done research about it.
It is good sounded, on 212 building quality is good but I don't know anything about if it is fizzy clipping that kind of stuff cheap cabs like to doo.
I like it. Got a few other cabs ( Laney 4X12 w/ gt75's, Marshall 425a w/ greenbacks, Marshall 1936 2X12 w/ gt75's) in the house and this seems more use with recording than all the others. Most likely not as good as a Mesa Roadster 2X12 but it does the job pretty well and for the price simply can't be beat. Hell it's cheaper than buying the speakers without the cabinet!
In fact a few of the bands I've recorded liked the tone so much they've gotten their own for live use or are getting them.
I use 6505 on HB 2x12 V30. I'm quite happy with it.
You can check my clips on my myspace/youtube (links in signature)
Best value you can get for your money by far. I mean the cab itself is cheaper than the price of the speakers combined!
farrrr too fizzy for my liking, if you can afford it. buy one then buy a zilla and stick the speakers in it :)