Harry Potter!

Consider it investigated, then.

It's a realm of writing I'm quite interested in, and utterly out of my depth with. I've barely read any fiction for three years.
You guys are pricks. I was scrambling, looking for books and authors a little over a year ago. NOW you come out just to drown out the mainstream and up your bookworm cred.


All I do to find stuff is remember what other authors are ga-ga over. Writers are like that. They love to toss names around. Usually last names.
All I do to find stuff is remember what other authors are ga-ga over. Writers are like that. They love to toss names around. Usually last names.
Yeah, that's what I ended up doing, in addition, other writers lumped in with things I liked from either a genre or generation.

The thing is, at the time, I had access to unlimited ink and paper. I printed well over 30 novels and ultimately wore out the web.
What the fuck is going on with J.K. Rowling?! Talk about emo phase; she ruined the series! I liked it when I could go and read a nice, cheerful, happy-go-lucky harry potter book to distract me from real life, which this series surpassed on the depressing scale with the 6th book. Jesus Christ. If I'm going to read harry potter, I want it to have the same tone as the first 4 1/2 books. 1/2 because the 5th book was sort of the transition into emo depressing shit, and had elements of both styles.
I grew up with Douglas Adams books. Not the usual children's fare, but I wouldn't recommend anything else for the loons among us who actually spawn at some point.

Someone give me a phrase to scream at the kiddies in Barnes and Noble when the book comes out.

I was thinking along the lines of "I'm gay!" But that has little relavance to the new HP book...or does it?
Since when did emo become a synonym for dark/emotive?

The Harry Potter series has rightfully gotten darker as its audience has aged.

I don't like the books, but I hate even more the fact that every cynical tosser in the land feels it gives them divine license to be a cunt to those that do.
Well, 5:17 A:M PST, finally finished reading this sumbitch. Got it today (or yesterday, whatever).

Seemed a bit rushed at parts, especially the ending , and maybe the final confrontation (but, I'm seeing shit right now I'm so tired). Overall, however, it was a very well written book. I can tell you right now, the fight scene in the end is going to sell the movie if they do it right. It's pretty fucking killer.

Anyway, I'm gonna brush my teeth, and go to sleep.

P.S Since I'm gonna be asleep till roughly 1:45 P:M. I know I'm gonna get shit about it, so please just PM any meaningless shit-slinging.