Harvest or Credence???

from the Cradle

...and Justice for All
Oct 7, 2001
This is my personal Enigma, I have always dream to listen one of those song with my girlfriend, but now is not possible...:cry:
For you what are the best song to listen with a girl???Credence or Harvest???
That's a tough one, but I probably wouldn't listen to either of them with a girl.... well.. It depends on the girl, if she was really into Opeth (wow, that's a dreamgirl for me), then probably Credence.. But if she wasn't very familiar with the band, it may seem awkward to her. I dunno. I'm not a girl... And not all girls think alike... So this opinion is not very well backed up. Don't listen to me...

I know I like Harvest better as a song though. I love Harvest. In some previous threads I've actually seen it put down some.. I don't know why, I think it's a beautiful song. It may be a lot different from their other work, but at least they're trying new things..
I managed to make my last girl-friend to listen to songs by Opeth.. Like The drapery falls, Harvest, Credence, Face of melinda..

My new girlfriend though, is a lot harder to convince..

Her, i have just gotten to listen to harvest some.. And she was like, "Yeah, sounds pretty good.. Nothing extraordinary though.." And i was like: Arrgggghh!! ;)

NP: Meshuggah - Corridor of Chameleons