Harvey Goldsmith website / blog

"With my help Saxon have re-invented themselves".

So the period from Unleash the Beast to Lionheart counts for nothing then Harvey?

Arrogant git.

Still reading the comments it makes me feel more confident that our lads aren't up for the pasting of their careers in the C4 documentary. Still, I'll have to find out where those producers live.... just in case! ;-)
if mr goldsmith has opened a few doors for saxon good on him but to be fair its saxon who have been trawling there arses all over the place since xmas ,
gig in lincoln,back to germany to finish album,back to britain for air guitar fiasco,back to germany,back to sheffield for gig, tour rehearsals,tv interviews etc ..... you cant re-invent a band , bands evolve and mature ,saxon have mastered this ,saxon 2007 are more accomplished musicians and well suited to there style and musical direction, i personally think nibbs and doug joining the band gave saxon a more complete feel ,and a freedom to be more adventurous with there songwriting as all subsequent albums have proved
rant over ...wheres me asprin
5 time,s on the radio, tv programe ,what ever it takes to up the profile has got to be a good thing, i worry about the negative coments that don,t wish the band well?when they have given US so much!.If by doing a football air guitar thing !it brings 10 more fans, thats a few more quid!in there pockets. I can not see anything wrong with that?All I wish, is they get the a good life and a good pension! rant over. robsaxon
If by doing a football air guitar thing !it brings 10 more fans, thats a few more quid!in there pockets.

But more importantly thats 10 more people introduced to Saxon, which is pretty much priceless anyway!!
thanks fingers and robsaxon
my name and eloquently in the same sentence is a first ,it usually my name and a yawn ...heehhehehehehe
2 weeks and 3 days to manchester