Hi All from A New/Old Member

Jan 17, 2007
Just like to say hi to everyone on the board.

I have had to open another account as I couldnt log on with my previous one (Martin Rodwell)

I have been following the debates with interest over the past few months and hope those of you that are going, have a great time at Sheffield city hall.
I am unable to go so along with everyone else we hope to be able to see some of your pics from the show.

If any of you are interested Harvey Goldsmith has a website www.harveygoldsmith.com with a few snippets regarding SAXON on there.
Welcome back Fire In The Sky! Thanks for the link to Harvey's site. He has what appears to be a current pic of Saxon on his site I haven't seen before. The site wouldn't let me link to it though. It's a pic of Biff, Doug, Nibbs and Paul standing on some railroad tracks. No Nigel. It's thumbnail size so it's hard to make out.


Hi and welcome back Fire in the Sky!