Nov 27, 2005
Reading, UK
23th December 2006


Just returned from foggy England, got stuck a Heathrow, here are some News for you:

The band has just finished the new album, the album is called „The Inner Sanctum“, released 5th of March. There will be a single released of the album in late January early February. As you know we been filming for three month in association with Harvey Goldsmith as part of this we are playing a gig at Sheffield city hall on 26 th of Jan. the band are bringing the eagle and the full European production and the band will be playing some of the new song, there´s also going to be some special t-shirts for the event. Watch out for a radio for a radio show biff did on TotalRock.com - 24/7 Rock and Metal Radio ++ the dates for Biff's show are 4th Jan at midday and 7th Jan at 11pm. (GMT)

Merry X-mas and a happy new year!

Yours Thomas

Find a piece from biff about the single:

We are going to release a new single soon off the new album called,"if I was you" I wrote the lyrics based on gun and knife crime having seen so many tragic stories of somebody getting knifed to death for a mobile phone and three quid or some young mother caught in the crossfire between two idiots with guns. "If I was you and you were me would you live your life differently".

biff byford

We are going to release a new single soon off the new album called,"if I was you" I wrote the lyrics based on gun and knife crime having seen so many tragic stories of somebody getting knifed to death for a mobile phone and three quid or some young mother caught in the crossfire between two idiots with guns. "If I was you and you were me would you live your life differently".

oh dear
thinking about this more, i hope biff and the lads didnt listen to the emo/indie kids in lincoln and their 'advice' on musical direction and lyrical content, because it seems they have as theyve done a 'streetwise' song.

Theres been a noticable trend in song quality:
songs about legends, historical events, or generally with a purpose=always awesome

vague songs about 'life'=always mediocre
Njah.. legends and historical events should be left to Maiden and power metal bands IMO. :yuk: Then again, I don't care about Saxon's lyrics unless they're offensive. If they're good, all the better, but otherwise its the music that matters to me.
thinking about this more, i hope biff and the lads didnt listen to the emo/indie kids in lincoln and their 'advice' on musical direction and lyrical content, because it seems they have as theyve done a 'streetwise' song.

Theres been a noticable trend in song quality:
songs about legends, historical events, or generally with a purpose=always awesome

vague songs about 'life'=always mediocre

depends on how it is written. Maybe this song 'if I wasyou etc.. is one in the row: "pis off " (bomb ) or the song 'watching me' from the Metalhead album... Maybe this is the Metalhead flavour which Valanx likes alot:) But stand up and be counted is to me an 'about life song too' and I like it..What biff wants to express I understand very well, in my country somebody got stuck just for an MP 3 player, no harm that someone uses such stuff in a song.. and historical events I like a lot, but it has to be written in a good way, not too far fetched as in some Iron maiden songs..
My opinion is that Saxon have the life experience and lyrical diversity to sing about almost any type of subject matter and make a great song/album out of it, and still keep it interesting.

The Metalhead cd which i do love :p is actually pretty diverse in itself when you compare the lyrical ideas of the songs individually, Metalhead, Conquistador, Song of Evil, Sea of Life all thematically different yet the whole album feels so complete and almost conceptual by the 'darker' vibe of the songs, both musically and lyrically as a whole.
yeah but if you look at all these songs:
ministry of fools
piss off,prisoner
coming home ,you dont know what youve got

theyre all no where near as good as theses songs that are about myths, stories legends:
UTB, circle of light, bloodletter
conquistador, metalhead,travellers in time
killing ground, deeds of glory, dragons lair

theres a bit of a trend?
and when you look at it,and theres also a simple reason why Lionheart has no filler and is one of the best ever albums: every song is passionate and full about its subject, and there isnt a single song thats 'lifes tough','the governments bad', 'he's a cunt',
yeah but if you look at all these songs:


I think it is very individuell what you think about it..

The prisoner song I think attracks me, because I can't figger out what is meant... I get the nerves because I can't find out what lies behind it.. That's off course another level of beautyness.. It is like an attractive woman, but why you find her attractive?????? She isnt that beautifull at all, but she has something..but what..?? You get thinking about it, find explanation...everytime you get closer to the answer.. In Psychology there is a word for that mechanism.. I lost it damn...does somebody know it???
yeah but if you look at all these songs:
ministry of fools
piss off,prisoner
coming home ,you dont know what youve got

theyre all no where near as good as theses songs that are about myths, stories legends:
UTB, circle of light, bloodletter
conquistador, metalhead,travellers in time
killing ground, deeds of glory, dragons lair

theres a bit of a trend?
and when you look at it,and theres also a simple reason why Lionheart has no filler and is one of the best ever albums: every song is passionate and full about its subject, and there isnt a single song thats 'lifes tough','the governments bad', 'he's a cunt',

Arggh, I do know what your saying and i think its great the way you are looking deeply into the lyrical/musical ideas of Saxon's music the way you are and i would'nt argue or even really want to dis-agree with you as such, i do understand the point you are making.

The first few songs you name, yes they are not as good as the latter ones but they are still great songs and are just as relevant and relative to Saxon's broad repertoire. Maybe it comes down to Saxon taste?

Its kind of always been that way with Saxon i think, for example, i love 'wheels of steel' its a great tune and the guitar riff is immortal, but i know a guy who love's that song more so because he is a biker, im not, so the song doesnt appeal to me in the same way, but i still love the tune....Because the riff is immortal !!

I know thats a kind of cheesy example, but its true! And i think the same sort of thing can be applied to alot of Saxon songs if you think about it.

As for Lionheart yeah, your damn right there is no filler at all on that album.... But why......Did some people Not really like it much ??? Perhaps thats for a different discussion though??
Well my opinion is that these lyrics about myths and such are quite neutral so they're 'okay', but they're also pretty childish if you ask me... orcs kill elves, humans kill orcs... blah blah blah. I think Ministry of Fools has pretty simple lyrics as well, but I like them. Lyrics of Power and the Glory are good as well. At least those songs have some kind of a message. Anyway, the lyrics don't have to be political... I like lyrics of songs like Play it Loud, Wheels of Steel etc, but I hate myths, fantasy etc...

Don't forget Dogs of War!
valanx, i allways thought that Flying on the edge was a filler song, i might be wrong, but thats just my thought and its a song that doesnt really do anything for me, but thats just one song of an excellant album, cant complain.

I prob say that Lionheart the album is prob my fav saxon album to date.
Just joined in today ,to me its all about the guitar riffs ,each album they come up with blows me away with the solo,s how they can be fresh each time ! thats why ive followed them for 20 odd years, just the best!
party till you puke! robsaxon.
Just joined in today ,to me its all about the guitar riffs ,each album they come up with blows me away with the solo,s how they can be fresh each time ! thats why ive followed them for 20 odd years, just the best!
party till you puke! robsaxon.

Great stuff Robsaxon! Welcome to the forum. Are you going to the sheffield gig then ???
valanx, i allways thought that Flying on the edge was a filler song, i might be wrong, but thats just my thought and its a song that doesnt really do anything for me, but thats just one song of an excellant album, cant complain.

I prob say that Lionheart the album is prob my fav saxon album to date.

I also thought 'Flying On The Edge' was a bit of a filler at first, but the more I heard it, the more I like it. It has a great guitar riff, so to me now, it isn't a filler at all. And yeah, I would have to agree, Lionheart is my favourite Saxon album also. And I would say that it is probably Saxon's strongest album.
valanx, i allways thought that Flying on the edge was a filler song, i might be wrong, but thats just my thought and its a song that doesnt really do anything for me, but thats just one song of an excellant album, cant complain.

Hmm. I will admit its not a song that comes to mind as a must play when i want to hear something from Lionheart (maybe because its the last track?), i dunno, as pax said it has a great Riff and the guitar sound is really nice and thick, i think it winds down the lionheart album quite nicely when you listen to it all the way through, it works well as a closing song.

Had the album been tracked differently it may have come across as a filler type of song.
yep going to the sheffield gig! all the way from cornwall! cant wait to see the big bird again!now that biff and paul are 57 and 56 years old! i hope every saxon fan makes the effort to support them more, be it gigs or buying cd,s{or seeing biffs new film?} they deserve more credit for all the work they
have done and the pleasure they have given me!
robsaxon . honey i know that you cant change the world!