Has any one heard the new Anthrax cd?

Well before I go steal it and get caught taken to jail and get my salad tossed, :yuk: NOT, I was wondering if anyone has heard it and what do you think about it? How's Bushs' singing?
I heard it was heavy and want to know what you guys think about it before I find me a copy, and get dissapointed or maybe I'll like it.
I dunno, later -RJAIII-
If you are referring to the Live record? Avoid it. I love John's singing, but all weight can't be placed on his back. He can't work miracles with what has become a mediocre band. If you're talking about the last Studio record, buy it used. It's diverse, but it's really not metal, and for the last time Cadillac Rockbox IS NOT southern rock!!!!!!
sixxswine said:
If you're talking about the last Studio record, buy it used. It's diverse, but it's really not metal,

Like Sixx said, pick it up used. There are a couple cool songs worth checking out on the disc.

sixxswine said:
and for the last time Cadillac Rockbox IS NOT southern rock!!!!!!

Never heard this argument before!! :lol: I do like that song though!
What are you talkin' about? the live album or We've Come For You All? if it's the live album.....avoid it, man. No good. If it's WCFYA, I'm one of the few that actually like it. I think it's cool, diverse and overall, worth. But apparently, that's just me.
Psychonaut said:
Scott Ian's whining did nothing to persuade me to buy it.
What was he Whining about? I didn't think he would whine about anything.
S.O.D Rules, his guitar work their was good and All the previouse Anthrax records were damn good(before John Bush)When they got Bush they should've changed their name, they have not been the same band since they even put out 'I'm the Man' Which I liked a lot but wasn't Anthrax.
Speaking of name changes I have more respect for Dime and Vinnie Because they at least changed the name, Pantera was their name, they didn't have to change it if they didn't want to. But I'm sure glad they did.
I will check out the new Anthrax before I buy it to see if I'll like it or not.
later-RJAIII- :headbang:
madcheese9377 said:
What was he Whining about? I didn't think he would whine about anything.
S.O.D Rules, his guitar work their was good and All the previouse Anthrax records were damn good(before John Bush)When they got Bush they should've changed their name, they have not been the same band since they even put out 'I'm the Man' Which I liked a lot but wasn't Anthrax.
Speaking of name changes I have more respect for Dime and Vinnie Because they at least changed the name, Pantera was their name, they didn't have to change it if they didn't want to. But I'm sure glad they did.
I will check out the new Anthrax before I buy it to see if I'll like it or not.
later-RJAIII- :headbang:

:) I completely Disagree with you I like Bush Era just as much as Belladonna Era I'm glad they kept the name its still Anthrax in there Bush is a Great Singer and I say you should get WCFYA brand new and Get The live album used .... thats my opinion and I will hold to it .... tho now that Frank Bello is gone my intrest in them is next to nothing :erk:
madcheese9377 said:
Don't get me wrong I liked the Bush era too, "Room for one more" being one of my favorites, is a damn good song and so were a lot of the other songs.
I liked him a lot better in "Armored Saint" though.
I'll be checking out these cd's soon and post what I think later.
:) Absolutely ...I wasnt Flammin ya ... I just had to voice my opinion .... I like Sound of White Noise Better than Any saint album ever! but Most saint albums are better than the later work hahahaha but I though Bush was a good fit and I still do :)
Yeah he's damn good, I still haven't heard 'Sound of White Noise,' it's kind of hard to find Anthrax, I had to order 'Fistfull of Metal' Cause the tape was fried.
Which album has Belladonna singing a love song that ends with him saying "She got hit by a truck" then they started crying, man that was funny.
And that's one think I really enjoy, is funny tracks like that and LOTS of old M.O.D and S.O.D.
I too write songs with funny lyrics and have recorded some of them, If only I could get them recorded to cd, I'd put them up on my website so everyone could down loead them for laughs.later
madcheese9377 said:
Yeah he's damn good, I still haven't heard 'Sound of White Noise,
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have to order it Imedeatly FUCK the new record! GET SOUND OF WHITE NOISE ITS A CLASSIC!

madcheese9377 said:
it's kind of hard to find Anthrax, I had to order 'Fistfull of Metal' Cause the tape was fried.
Which album has Belladonna singing a love song that ends with him saying "She got hit by a truck" then they started crying, man that was funny.

That is Attack of the Killer B's :)
Hmmmm sounds interesting....I don'y have any speakers yet and I'm about to lose the computer for a couple of weeks. THis isn't my pc and I'm gonna get me new-er one whith my next paycheck, also getting a scanner and mic and the "TRON" game,that's gonna be kickass! Then I'll be saving up to get some recording software for the pc and be putting new stuff on my website for everyone to hear.
The first couple of songs I don't sing on them, It's my best friend/x-vocalist, now wants to be drummer. I'd like him on vocals better, I can't really do Darkwind unless I'm only vocals or only guitar and not both. Shit if only any of you guys lived anywhere near me we could hang out and I could let you listen to all of my weird and seriouse songs that are recorded porly.
If you want any of the lyrics let me know I'll post them for everyone to read, but let me know if you want the seriouse ones of the funny ones.
SoundMaster said:
I actually cant wait to hear all of the old classics, recorded live in the studio wuth Bush on vocals!

This is becoming a bad pattern. Too many bands messing with their history. I bet we see waaayy more of this over the next couple of years.