Has any one heard the new Anthrax cd?

Greeno said:
This is becoming a bad pattern. Too many bands messing with their history. I bet we see waaayy more of this over the next couple of years.
If Megadeth sees any success with the recent remixing of their back-catalogue, I think it's safe to assume that a new trend will begin.

Bands know that their 'hardcore' fans are a cash-cow. Think of how much money Led Zep or Kiss would make, for example, by remixing their classics.
If you don't like the remixes you don't have to buy them. It's as simple as that. That's exactly what I do when I experience a re-release of an album barely six months old with tons of bonus stuff. And I won't buy any album by such a band until they've already put out the next one e.g. Slayer. I paid the full price when God Hates Us All came out only to find the collectors' edition just months after the initial release. Rip-off I say!!! Same with Alice Cooper. And W.A.S.P. List goes on...

As for Anthrax I have to say that I'm with Jonny here. I like both - We've Come for You All AND the live album. Anthrax do rock, no matter how many people make it a sport to bash them.
I don't think you guys understand what I was saying.... I was not talking about re-mixing, I was talking about re-recording. Bands going back and re-recording old songs. A few bands have done it now (Jag Panzer, Exciter (hey Clammy :) ) and that's cool but now the flood gates are going to bust open with Twisted Sister and Anthrax doing it so more of the bigger named bands are going to jump on the trend. I can understand the smaller more underground bands doing it since most likely the original production may have been lacking but now the big boys are going to do it just to cash in (again!).
Apart from the fact that I liked all re-recorded versions I have heard so far I'd still say it's the same as with what I said above: If you don't like it don't buy it. If there's no one out there who's willing to pay money for things like that there won't be anymore re-recordings.