The package heard round the world

sixxswine said:
I have NEVER heard the frog metal term, what the hell does that mean?!
It's an inner joke in the TMG. The Brits call the French (out of despise) as "frogs". So we joke with fang about "frog metal", metal sung in French. The band he sent me ADX is on of the top speed metal acts of France, very difficult to get and very good. Still I prefer Sortilege, Manigance or Malediction.
Wyvern said:
Le packagé has arrivé todé (hehehehe). Fang sent me some crappy frog metal :loco: (Another ADX live album, now I have two :grin: ).

So who will be next?

I'll be PM the next victim asking for the postal address and his/her sister phone :lol:

Be prepare the Wyvern is on the prowl!
hehe, now crank this frog stuff LOUD :loco:

and let me help you : "Le colis est arrivé aujourd'hui"

by the way... I didn't get your sister's phone :lol:
baldyboy said:
dont worry usmco341,you'll warm to the old school vibe sooner or a forum we rule.the swine makes sure we run with military precision,and kicks our asses when things go fubar!

Glad to hear that BaldyBoy...I'm warm to this place already...lot's of like minded people who enjoy the same stuff as I do.

Metal Fucking Rules

The package was sent today via Priority Mail to the next victim at 9:57 AM PST

And btw he didn't gave me his sister phone number :lol:
sixxswine said:
This is fucking great! I like how you guys have been keeping this all secret & stuff until the next "vic" gets it!

Listen, pig, I don't know what the big deal is about this?!
You guys are all a bunch of asswads, the biggest being jonnyd, who stole from me! jonny you got any puss yet? I got some. Want some? You probably wouldn't know what to do with it anyway.
jonny2k said:
Listen, pig, I don't know what the big deal is about this?!
You guys are all a bunch of asswads, the biggest being jonnyd, who stole from me! jonny you got any puss yet? I got some. Want some? You probably wouldn't know what to do with it anyway.

ok J2k this is a bunch of bull get off my board! if you want to come to Vt to settle a dept fine but remember This is my home ........ Leave this board these good people dont want to read your shit!
jonny2k said:
Listen, pig, I don't know what the big deal is about this?!
You guys are all a bunch of asswads, the biggest being jonnyd, who stole from me! jonny you got any puss yet? I got some. Want some? You probably wouldn't know what to do with it anyway.
You are still here ? Listen you little fucking troll, go play in the traffic or join Luminous Aether over in the general forum. You and he can swap insults as I personally have better things to do than argue with your worthless little ass.

If you come into this forum again for the purpose of attacking the regulars then I will have you removed.

Bryant said:
If you come into this forum again for the purpose of attacking the regulars then I will have you removed.
Why wait? This character has been annoying enough. We were discussing people being banished from Metal-Rules Board (aka Trolland) in the TMG board. There Angelwitch73 (who is the "boss") take shit from no one.

So hereby I appeal to the regulars (and intelligent newcomers): Bryant, Sixxswine, JohnnyD, Greeno, Delize, Wicked Child, Fangface, Metal Dog, Metal Maiden, IOTS, Baldy, USMC, Trixxi, theSayer, tedvan, IcedMad, Hawk, SinnerRider, Bodomidnight, Carnut, DFB, (and I surley forgot more names), to ask the moderator to ban this person from our forum. We had a peaceful existence so far, even during hard times we never troll each other this way.

Who's with me?