Has any one lost respect for Nile, Behemoth, Amon Amarth etc?!?

yeah, it is kind of cool. Also Frank, look at your signature and then look at the symbol used on the coin, to the right side of the king's face:


interesting, huh?

also, below is a picture of me last Summer. I think there is some resemblance between myself the image on the coin. The nose, the chin...


*spooky* :goggly:
LOL at you guys confusing North and South Carolina. At least Lurch is from Uzbekistan, I can understand his ignorance, but GreatDeceiver, come on, dude. It might be time to go back to high school :loco:
North Carolina is a wonderful state. Long ocean beaches, deep ancient forests, frost spired rolling mountains, I wouldn't mind living there at all. SC has some cool spots too, but that's true for any state really. Except New Jersey.