Has Anybody Seen This Yet?


Nov 3, 2004
(Random Post)

After the Amorphis set (who happened to be pretty damn good, but have no prog or power in them IMO) Glenn had the video ready for next years lineup....

The following bands are the "Fresh" Blood.....

Power Quest
Tomorrow's Eve
Diablo Swing Orchestra
Royal Hunt
Andre Matos

The following bands are the "Returning Heroes".......

Circus Maximus
Orphaned Land
Pagan's Mind

And ONE LEGENDARY band.....


There ya go.......

ProgPower USA X in 2009
After the Amorphis set (who happened to be pretty damn good, but have no prog or power in them IMO)

Being a longtime Chicago Powerfest attendee, you should know that the TITLE of a fest doesn't necessarily determine which bands will be playing it.

At any rate, I'm most psyched for DSO(!!!!), Brainstorm, Tomorrow's Eve, and Sabaton. I couldn't care less about Matos, Circus Maximus, or Pagan's Mind, but hey, they appeal to the ProgPower crowd, so they deserve to be there.

And yes...Amorphis was pretty lame.

Did we watch the same Amorphis set? The one that stole the entire show Friday night, and made tons of new fans who would otherwise never listen to them? Yeah... pretty lame. ;)

BTW, I saw you from afar a few times, but I couldn't catch up to you in order to meet you. You're a slippery one... are you sure you haven't been taking lessons from those sneaky little gnomes???
Being a longtime Chicago Powerfest attendee, you should know that the TITLE of a fest doesn't necessarily determine which bands will be playing it.

We didn't go this year.....this was just a post my husband sent to me in an e-mail.....I don't even know where he got it from. And TRUST me I don't go by a fests name to determine what bands are going to be there.....history shows that it IS only a title lol :p :loco:

As for those elusive little underpants gnomes....do they steal socks too? I keep losing them, and I could have sworn the exterminator got rid of the sock demons a while ago ;)
Thanks for posting. This is the first thing I've seen regarding the lineup for next year. I never go, but I'm always curious to see who gets on the bill. Been too busy to investigate otherwise...

Nice pick on Diablo String Orchestra. They found me on MySpace last year and I really dug them. The rest, as usual, would not be enough for me to go to ProgPower.

I personally am a big fan of Amorphis, but I would say that they were an odd pick for PP this year. I heard that the crowd really took to Riverside, too.
Yeah...no huge surprises...although I am a bit surprised about not seeing Evergrey on there...but then again, they would almost certainly want to tour, which would add nothing to the novelty of PP.

And as for Fates, Glenn's been trying to get them for years...maybe even since PP1. :p IMO...their allure has dwindled considerably over the last 5+ years, so unless he pulls the rabbit out & got John Arch to do even one song, not sure how many ppl will be willing to pay the hundreds of dollars (tix, travel, etc) it costs to go to the fest to see them. But I have been wrong before. :p

Also, IMO:

If Royal Hunt were to play with DC Cooper...HOLY SHIT!! :kickass: But unfortunately, I highly doubt it...so eh! :yuk:

Orphaned Land :kickass:...can't wait to hear what the new album is like!

Andre Matos playing all Angra songs... :kickass: :headbang: :kickass:
Andre Matos playing all solo material... :yuk:

Sabaton & Brainstorm...very cool!

This lineup definitely has the potential to KILL!! Unfortunately, it also has the potential to :zzz:

But to each his own...I'm sure it'll please plenty enough.
Did we watch the same Amorphis set? The one that stole the entire show Friday night, and made tons of new fans who would otherwise never listen to them? Yeah... pretty lame. ;)

BTW, I saw you from afar a few times, but I couldn't catch up to you in order to meet you. You're a slippery one... are you sure you haven't been taking lessons from those sneaky little gnomes???

Ha Ha!
I believe we were watching the same set.
The one where they took forever to set up and when they finally went on, all their songs sounded the same and the musicians looked bored to tears while on stage? I swear, there is more energy in a retirement home.
Boring. I almost fell asleep....which was disappointing because from what I had heard on disc, I was really looking forward to seeing them, despite the fact that I thought they were an odd pick for such a fest.

Sorry I missed you! I'll meet you one of these days.
And with all due respect to my crafty little gnomes....they take lessons from me!
I personally am a big fan of Amorphis, but I would say that they were an odd pick for PP this year.

I'm not sure why people say this. Glenn wants energetic, melodic bands with stage presence, and Amorphis fits the bill very well. Plus, he's invited death vocal bands in the past, and they've gone over well. They didn't get the hugest response of the year, but they got a decent crowd response -- certainly better than Rage,'s Jorn's, or Pain of Salvation's headlining sets at PP3, and those are bands that are pretty much synonymous with "ProgPower".

Andre Matos playing all Angra songs... :kickass: :headbang: :kickass:
Andre Matos playing all solo material... :yuk:

Andre Matos playing at all = :puke::puke::puke::puke:

I severely doubt he'd be headlining if he was doing all solo material. He'll probably be required to do a bunch of Angra stuff.
Ha Ha!
I believe we were watching the same set.
The one where they took forever to set up and when they finally went on, all their songs sounded the same and the musicians looked bored to tears while on stage? I swear, there is more energy in a retirement home.
Boring. I almost fell asleep....

Amorphis's vocalist was a MONSTER!!!! Their music isn't exactly happy-metal, or up-tempo at all, so it really doesn't lend itself well to the musicians running around the stage and goofing off... but I thought the singer did a great job of commanding the stage, besides being spot on and very powerful. I can't remember how many of my "clean vocal only" friends absolutely LOVED their set; one of them even went so far as to tell me that Amorphis is her new favorite band. :)

Sorry I missed you! I'll meet you one of these days.
And with all due respect to my crafty little gnomes....they take lessons from me!;)

CPF '09! And I'll even bring extra pairs of boxers for your little friends. :)
Amorphis's vocalist was a MONSTER!!!! Their music isn't exactly happy-metal, or up-tempo at all, so it really doesn't lend itself well to the musicians running around the stage and goofing off... but I thought the singer did a great job of commanding the stage, besides being spot on and very powerful. I can't remember how many of my "clean vocal only" friends absolutely LOVED their set; one of them even went so far as to tell me that Amorphis is her new favorite band. :)

Meh....not for me, I guess.
I'm glad you enjoyed them though.

CPF '09! And I'll even bring extra pairs of boxers for your little friends. :)
Sweet....the stash of Underpants is running a little low after this weekend....had to sell the enchanted Chick Magnet boxer briefs to some toothless yokels in exchange for some Moonshine while driving through the mountains in Tennessee.
2 words: Pagan's fucking Mind! (Ok that was 3 words).
I have bought tix for this fest 2 yrs in a row and didn't go either time, hopefully 3rd time's the charm. We'll see.
(Random Post)

After the Amorphis set (who happened to be pretty damn good, but have no prog or power in them IMO) Glenn had the video ready for next years lineup....

The following bands are the "Fresh" Blood.....

Power Quest
Tomorrow's Eve
Diablo Swing Orchestra
Royal Hunt
Andre Matos

The following bands are the "Returning Heroes".......

Circus Maximus
Orphaned Land
Pagan's Mind

And ONE LEGENDARY band.....


There ya go.......

ProgPower USA X in 2009

It almost seems like my progpower going days are close to over. I'm with Rob on the Royal Hunt thing, awesome selection if we're talking DC Cooper fronted RH otherwise eh. Andre Matos has been a part of 2 great albums in his career but I highly doubt the set he's going to play will focus only on those two albums.

I do enjoy the last CM, I like Orphaned Land a lot and enjoy the first few Brainstorm albums but like all returning bands I highly doubt the bands will capture the magic they had in their first performances at Progpower and they aren't strong enough bands to draw me to Atlanta. Pagans Mind is a bore, and as much as I love Fates Warning I've seen the multiple times live so again there's not much incentive to hit the road to see them. We shall see how it goes but this lineup is easily the weakest of the 10 Progpowers.

Oh and Amorphis....they're better than say 90% of the bands that have taken the stage at progpower.
2 words: Pagan's fucking Mind! (Ok that was 3 words).
I have bought tix for this fest 2 yrs in a row and didn't go either time, hopefully 3rd time's the charm. We'll see.

Im not sure why anyone would be incredibly happy to see Pagan's Mind for X when their VIII performance will be exactly the same, maybe 1-2 new album songs and minus their awesome Jam performance..too early for repeat imho
2 words: Pagan's fucking Mind! (Ok that was 3 words).
I have bought tix for this fest 2 yrs in a row and didn't go either time, hopefully 3rd time's the charm. We'll see.

If you're uncertain, just wait until the last few weeks, & you should be able to get tix at half off. Might help make up for the years you lost money by not going. ;)
In regards to Royal Hunt without Cooper, I think you are guys are wrong the new one with Mark Boals is fucking great. I mean he isnt Cooper, but not many are up to his level any way.

Pagan's Mind I bet will change up their set significantly. They have so many good songs that its not hard.

Also Matos' solo record one of the best this year for the Prog/Power crossover fans imo. To hear songs from Angel's Cry with him on vox would damn near get me there alone