Has Anybody Seen This Yet?

In regards to Royal Hunt without Cooper, I think you are guys are wrong the new one with Mark Boals is fucking great. I mean he isnt Cooper, but not many are up to his level any way.

Pagan's Mind I bet will change up their set significantly. They have so many good songs that its not hard.

Also Matos' solo record one of the best this year for the Prog/Power crossover fans imo. To hear songs from Angel's Cry with him on vox would damn near get me there alone

Dude, Mark Boals is as generic as they get. .....
If you're uncertain, just wait until the last few weeks, & you should be able to get tix at half off. Might help make up for the years you lost money by not going. ;)

Yeah I think that's the plan for next year, I always feel a little reluctant to wait to purchase tix on a show like this especially since it sells out every year but there's always tickets available on the last weeks leading up to the fest. It took me 2 fests to finally see how it works!