Has anyone else come across this????

Dave - Power of Omens

some guitar player
Aug 13, 2002
Dallas, TX USA
I thought this was so funny....

I was just at a Best Buy retail outlet, and I was looking through the CDs, and came across the classical section... I was just browsing through them when I noticed they had Symphony X as one of the classical artists... :lol:
At first I thought, maybe it was out of place...but when I looked again, there were several "Odyssey" discs along with the seperation tray card that said "Symphony X"
I didn't mean to be anal about it, but I brought it to their attention and they relocated all of the discs to the right place, but then I started to wonder, how many other Best Buys think that Symphony X is considered classical music???

I know they have a bit of a neo-classical twist to them, but to classify them as straight classical, I thought was funny... LOL!!!

I would bet that it would make some new fans of SyX...especially if they listened to the Odyssey (the song) or picked up a copy of V that way. I have played Yngwie in the past to some classical fans that had never heard him and they loved his instrumental stuff and even some of his songs.
Originally posted by korruption
Cool, maybe I'll start checking out some of the classical sections here. :grin:

So will I. Maybe that's why I can't find any of their albums around here.;)