Has Anyone Heard Lamb Of God?

Don't really listen to them..but I have connections towards them

( My late uncle's wife's friend is friends with the lead vocalist)
They don't sound like old-school metal or Shadows Fall at all. Not even CLOSE man. More like brutal metalcore (metal+hardcore) similar to bands like Converge and Coalesce. Truely awesome band. I'm going to get their new album which is going to be released on May 6th so about 2 weeks from now.
Lamb of God rules... both cds are sick, not very thrash metal but don't get me wrong, some seriously superb metal riffing is presented! if you're put off by 'death growls'(for lack of better words) than you may be hesitant.
and they are somewhat like older shadows fall definitely. i guess we disagree murai. sf is metalcore pretty much too ya know.
soilkane said:
Lamb of God rules... both cds are sick, not very thrash metal but don't get me wrong, some seriously superb metal riffing is presented! if you're put off by 'death growls'(for lack of better words) than you may be hesitant.

Well, no. I've become more aquired to 'death growls,' so much so that I can't imagine great bands like Opeth or In Flames without them. Well, there's REROUTE TO REMAIN and DAMNATION, but I mean the old stuff. I also love bands like Nile and Immortal.

I don't know if Lamb of God is in the same league as these bands, but hey! It's worth a shot!