Has anyone noticed this?

Autumn Falls

Ace Harding, P.I.
Jul 9, 2001
Denton, TX
Ok that's a horrible title for this thread but I could not think of a decent one. Also I haven't been horribly active in awhile so if anyone has noticed this and posted already disregard this thread.

Ok then... I've currently been listening to the album Southernunderground by Cunninlynguists (which is awesome by the way) and on their song Falling Down there is a piano part.. or part of music whatever that sounds to my ears exactly like the end of the Antique (I believe.. didn't actually check just I believe that's the part.)

Anyway.. I am not in anyway inclining that one group lifted it from the other because I think to even think that would be preposterous but has anyone heard the track and if so tell me if you agree and think it's funny and kind of neat... just wanted to drop this cause I found it fun.
