Has anyone seen "High Tension"?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
It's the French horror flick, otherwise known as Haute Tension. Well, I'm a big fan of horror, and perhaps I'm out of touch, but I haven't seen a film this grisly in years.


It's a pretty simple storyline (hope nobody gives away any plot lines here), but for nauseating appeal, this probably scores a 10/10. :ill:

Fucking gruesome. (Btw, I watched the UNRATED version on DVD so I imagine it contains a fuck lot more gore than the theater release).
except for the big HOLE in the plot towards the end ... it was great.

really looking forward to HOSTEL
Yeah, I was really hoping nobody would give away any plot lines here. :erk: Going into a movie knowing there is a twist kind of kills it. M Night Shyamalan can only get away with it for so long. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
I think I'm washing my hair. :loco: No really, we need to leave tomorrow to get to MA. What did you have in mind? A 'few' beers, haha?

Ha ha, ahhhh, yeah, you're right. I thought you weren't leaving until actually Xmas morn. I'm probably staying in and smoking grass anyway. :cool:
Yeah, it's either tomorrow or Sunday...the wife's out right now...let me get back to you.

If a thread stays on topic for 2 posts here, it's a success. :loco:
Chromatose said:
Even if it didn't have that plot twist, it would still be a top notch slasher flick. Definitely enjoyable.

Definitely, it is a really tense, effective slasher. I liked the twist, but I know a lot of people who thought it ruined it. I was lucky enough to go to the UK premiere of this a couple of years ago (I mentioned it in the movies thread :loco: ) and with that kind of atmosphere it was one hell of a movie. Would love to see it again with that audience.

It's worth noting that in a lot of English speaking countries this was released under the title Switchblade Romance...
Oh yeah, the DVD here by default is switched to "dubbed English" audio. Of course, the FIRST thing any of you should do is switch the audio to French (the original actor's dialogue) and throw on English subtitles. I'm sure that goes without saying.
*spolier hint*

Re: plot holes, that's kinda besides the point isn't it? I imagine you guys have never watched a Dario Argento or Lucio Fulci movie? Holy shit, those scripts were penned on swiss cheese. :tickled:

By the way, did the "plot hole" bother you in Fight Club, you know, since it's identical....?

So to the point: correct me if I'm wrong but has anyone seen anything from the last decade quite as sick and twisted as High Tension? Ichi the Killer I guess was black comedy so it wasn't as disturbing IMO, and Saw turned out to be a popcorn flick, but otherwise, I thought this was really nauseating.
Man Bites Dog would be a black comedy that I thought was pretty disturbing at the time, but watchable.And The Audition as well.

I will admit though that High Tension did have alot of tense moments and I found that my girlfriend and friend's girlfriend were less than pleased with a lot of the gore. So I'll give it two thumbs up.