Has music hit the glass ceiling?

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Feb 22, 2003
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Welcome to Music Talk, im your host Linda Richman....*ahem*

Anyway, to my question: Has music hit the glass ceiling? The basic band nowdays consists of: Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, and sometimes keyboards. Using these instruments, musicians have created untold amounts of sounds, rhythms, melodies, harmonies, beats, etc. Like it or not, the majority of music is not creative. Musicians re-use the same riffs, the same drum patterns, the same vocal harmonies etc etc etc. The only difference his speed, timing, lyrics(which are often not creative either), etc etc. Now the whole point of me telling you what you probably already know is to get to my main question: How much farther will music evolve?What more is there besides vocals, drums,stringed instruments and electronic/keyboards? Are we done inventing musical devices and sounds?What is left besides re-hashing and genre hybrids?

I very much hope, that metal will stay like a bass, drums, vocals, guitars og maybe (sometimes), some keyboard.....if it evolves we have to find a new name, then its not metal!!.... But if one seek different kinds of instruments, rhythms, melodies etc, one have to look further than ones boozed, stooned metal-head, and open up to other genres, then there is alot to find!!......On a sidenote: those genres I am talking about does not include pop or Tecno, cause thats empty music in my mind.
I personally have no problem with bands who are not very innovative, but play in a very similar fashion as a band that I like. Needless to say, I have no reason to not like that band, because they sound like something I already like. Of course, there's nothing wrong with innovation, but I feel most people put more emphasis on innovation (NOT originality) than is necessary.
I to listen to alot of different stuff lke: Das Ich, Rainbow, Misfits or Deicide which are all quite different but still in the "dark-style", but allso stuff like: Pink Floyd, Ben Harper, Beck and many others inspire me!... U just have to explore what u find appealing....
Dodens Grav said:
I personally have no problem with bands who are not very innovative, but play in a very similar fashion as a band that I like. Needless to say, I have no reason to not like that band, because they sound like something I already like. Of course, there's nothing wrong with innovation, but I feel most people put more emphasis on innovation (NOT originality) than is necessary.

Absolutely......Diversity is not a must, but can come in handy if one need it!..... What can I say: If u dig a style then bang your head!!
Im not talking about styles of music really,although they play a part in innovation. what Im talking about is the way we make music. The actual technical aspects of producing sounds. Will the guitar always be around? How long before something else replaces the standard drum-set?etc
hmmmm........I see your point, but I cant really imagine those instuments being replaced and still call it music!... People use all sorts of sounds as sample to some number or even as the main theme (I know this one who dropped different items in water and recorded the sound and did his main-theme on a song with that, but would seem kind of wierd live), but mostly occurs within electronic music.....
Yesm, I think metal music in general is starting to hit the glass ceiling. Originality is, nowadays (with the standard instrumentation), practically impossible. While that doesn't mean things can't progress, I think it has already progressed to the limits. Things will become truly stagnant in the coming decade i'd say.
Sure- 99.9% of metal and music in general has hit the ceiling-yet a few bands and composers exist, that truly are making new music.

SO what do you think new music should sound like? Should it use electronic instruments- noises? DO you want random noises somehow forming a piece of coherent music- Deconstructionism? If you do- I'd say look no further than the great German Composer Karlheinz Stockhausen- he uses a helicopter noise in one of his songs for buildup- breathtaking stuff. Or you could try electronica bands like Coil( although very homosexual for those on the site who have problems with this- and some songs have that 80's depeche mode background- very very interesting music- and Karlheinz is a great admirer) Nurse with wound is quite interesting- as is alot of ulvers stuff- especially that 26 min track they released on a ep- I think it was silence teaches you how to sing

Metal-wise you got neurosis, Ephel Duath, Enslaved, old atheist in its heydey,ulver, Maudlin of the well( trying to eliminate riffs- or they were if they are still going to be a metal band) some solefald is way out there- Arcturus's La Masquerade- and parts of Sham mirrors- Im forgetting bands now- but there are some innovators- hell even Celtic Frost did much to innovate metal in the early 80's. - Still most metal bands that are nnnovative- are just using other forms of music like jazz, or new instruments etc.

I'd say Radiohead is pretty much the only popular band putting anything inventive out.

There are a few other composers trying new things- the guy that did the score from 2001( other than strauss) - Xenakakis or something is quite good.

and of course lets not forget Yanni- taking classical music to the next dimension with that flowing hair and cool mustache
Excuse me- Ligeti wrote the music for 2001- not xenakis. If anyone gets the chance try Stimmung- or Kontakt by Stockhausen- if you want to truly trull prgoressive- yet still well composed music with meaning.

Opeth the ceiling for all other metal bands? They are certainly at the ceiling- but they arent challenging the way a metal band makes music anymore ( since Still Life)- in fact their recent foray into prog rock- shows they are embracing the old tried and true methods of music. I havent been all that impressed with anything they have done since Still Life- Blackwater meandered- it had its moments- Deliverance I actually liked a little more- still nothing special but a added heavinesss- and Damnation is very good prog rock- but it has been done before. Still these last three albums are all very good albums- that no other metal band can even attempt- they just arent as good and truly progressive as Still Life, or Hearse etc.
At least every Opeth album is very different to the last, yet they still manage to keep up a high standard.

Blackwater Park is INCREDIBLE.

Everyone should have a listen to the new Ephel Duath cd. That's pretty damn innovative.
Mister Nobody said:
yes, opeth are very talented, but jesus fucking christ, people.

I don't want to come across as some deluded fanboy, but I really do believe that Opeth are incredible. I've never got into any album as much as I've got into all 7 of their releases.
They are incredible all right, but there are so many other great bands to discover and listen to! Im always listening to new albums. There is no sense to just play the same music over and over because then it will just get old and lose its "Specialness". Go explore:)
Thats a hard question to answer I mean we Think it has hit the ceiling But you just wait in like 10 years its all gonna be different Though Metal will always remain True Because thats just how it is...... But the face of "Popular" Music will totally change In 10 years its gonna be a whole new set of crap for us Metal boys to hate It will Prolly be like Classical Rap The possibilties are endless it will never end there will always be somthing new Just when everything gets stagnant Bam There will be something New That Nobody ever thought of Will it involve guitars Bass And Drums...Ect. We can only hope so Though It will Prolly be some kind of computer Generated Shit That we will totally hate and remind us WHY we listen to Metal..............
I know most of that prolly didnt make sense but .... Fuck it :loco:
like someone said earlier, for me, innovation is not a prerequisite for me to enjoy a band/song. i appreciate it when it happens but look at bands that change all the time and people complain and whinge, this kind of thing happens all the time.

i appreciate what radiohead are doing on their last couple of releases but honestly am unable to enjoy any of their cd's since ok computer....

i like songs, i like music, i like good melody, i like riffs that are exiting, i like dynamics...heard that band that makes all the noises with their throats??? how long can you honestly listen to something like that before you want to kill yourself and at least one other person??? it's not music. music is what music is, it is limited because it's music...it's like walking, you can walk in all different ways but if you run it's no longer walking.... i'm confusing myself fuck hehe. :(

anyway, i think there can be innovation but it depends what yo want in that innovation, there are an infinite amount of musical pieces that can, and will be written, there is no end...yes there are some that are more original than others, but that is the case in all things.

I appreciate a band that stays true. if i want a band that sounds different i'll buy their cd.

i don't like boring experimentation and innovation for the sake of experimentation and innovation. If you have somehting to say with the innovation then so be it but 9 times out of 10 bands release this kind of thing stuff because they are TRYING to be different and push boundries. what i am trying to get at that in my opinion if yuo are different you are...music can't be forced, it's an expression of your ideas and feelings.... that's what i reckon anyway. :|
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