Has Nevermore Ever Had a Bad Song ??

Ok, so in your opinion a song must be complex in order to be good, right? IMHO, that's not what makes a good song, even though I love technicism. There's SO much more in good songwriting. And what I don't like in "Nu-Metal" or whatever they call it, it's because it is banal, too much direct and expresses somewhat of a "teenager" feeling. But ok, if you think I lack perception and opinion, you're the one who knows. Whatever rocks your boat, dude.

BTW: I wasn't attacking you, dude. Just expressing my opinion. Grow up.
fuck that was kind of a hostile post hahahahaha, but I agree with you... I also love songs that are technical, but that doesn't necassarily make it great... the reason why I love Nevermore so much is that their songs just flow well... difficult or not it doesn't matter as long as I dig it, I mean Beyond Within is not a difficult song at all but it still kicks ass
Originally posted by crawler668
I know there is always a poll for best Nevermore songs , But is there anyone out there who thinks there is a Bad song ?
I personally cant think of one can you ?:err:

most of the songs nevermore made were bad. only some were good. and most of the good ones are on PoE and DNB.
you know who i am.
Ha ha ha.
A flame war we have!!!

A song doesn't have to be technical to be good... I was just pointing out that the intro to Narco is Irritating, and is made even more irritating by the fact that it is so simple. And yes, i stand by the fact that it is nu-ish.

For gods sake, i love sentenced, and sentenced is the most un-technical band in the world (old stuff and new stuff!).

and dude:

"Nu metal"??? Ok... you're the one who knows.

sounds pretty attacking to me...!

If you read my post, you will realised that what i said about Narco is true, wether you like it or not. It is a simple ditty, nothin' to it. Don't read into it anymore than that.

-I love nevermore, and have followed WD since sanctuary days (when i was damn young!!!), but that doesn't mean that i lose all objectivity when it comes to listening. WD incites us to question, and to think for ourselves... right? that's just what i'm doin'. Thinking for myself, and questioning.

[Edited by: Trapped, to remove the pointless attack in the last paragraph!]
Yeah, I totally agree that we should think for ourselves and have our own opinions. I simply did not agree with you back there, but it wasn't an attack. And simply because I like that intro , or better yet, I don't think it sounds like Nu-Metal, does not mean I have no perception ao opinion. It also does not mean a lack of objectivity and even though Nevermore is one of my fave bands I don't consider it an obsession. If they screw up, I'll say they screwed up. When I finally had a chance to see them live, I must confess I was disappointed mainly because Warrel was inciting mosh and slam diving among the audience, which I find unpleasant, childish, and able to ruin a great show. I found it sad and left the place with a completely different idea of a dude I respect so much for SOME of his ideologies.

DHIADW is my second fave Nevermore album, after POE, by the way. Also love Sentenced, but I don't think their first stage (Death Metal) is all that un-technical.

And this is no flame war... Just pure payback!!! :lol: :loco:
Ha ha ha.

was it me that you just asked the nick???
if you did... you kindof just shot yourself in the foot. :)

'Trapped in a corner' is a death song.
Originally posted by Trapped

Yeah! Right! If Mickey is Metal then Coyote is DEATHCORE. Mickey is nothing but a Poser compared to Coyote

Message to roadrunner (and their fans):
- We are not waiting for you; we are LOOKING for you.

Death to FALSE IDOLS!!!!!!!!
:( What the fuck are we talking about here? How would Nevermore be one of the three best bands in the world ever if it had even one bad song. Sorry dudes but you must not be narrowminded!

All songs of NEVERMORE are masterpieces! There is noone that can claim the opposite.

Do not cover your eyes with blindfolds! Be brave and admit that every single song that Nevermore has written is perfect.

Oh God! What else am I going to hear (or read)?

You know, you people are going to freeze in HEAVEN eternally for even viewing this thread...

REGRET, for the next Nevermore album is coming....
In the garden of sinful thoughts
every flowers a perfect one

I agree Nevermore has not failed me yet, and don't really plan on them doing so... hopefully. "I'll play the optimist again"