Hate Crew Deathroll.........

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Scavenger of human sorrow
Dec 24, 2004
Hey i was just wondering if its just my C.D. or does everyone have the 3 minute silence after Hate Crew Deathroll before the c.d. ends?
Actually it's not all silence. In the end there's some of the guys talking shit and what-not. It's pretty downmixed though, so you have to turn up the volume to hear it properly.
Yeah I noticed that also. Dunno what they're saying though...

Reminds me of the very last part the Iron from Ensiferum... you can hear the backing vocals they did for Battery. Before, there's no sound for at least 5 minutes. That also scared the shit out of me one time. You pass out in bed... wake up hearing "BATTERY!! FUCKIN BATTERY!". A very metal wake up... but I prefer the buzzer. :)
Yeah its on my version ,too...some people umble and someone whistles...
I´ll have a look at Scythes Of Bodom about this .

EDIT: No explination found....Zarok help ! :loco:
Oh I thought that was just on my version, because I’ve got the one with the Slayer cover and the 3 minutes comes in after that.
It's on every version after the last track of the album and features the guys being drunk and stupid. They shout the backing vocals of Sixpounder.
if you turn up ur stereo all the way and press your ear to it you can hear it. theyre just talking to eachother in finnish and humming in unison. i dont speak finnish so im out of luck iguess :yell:
yeh i thought something was wrong with my CD or CD player, i had to get one of them lense cleaners to it! still there grrrrr. Off topic, i cant get tokyo warhearts anywhere in the UK, n i cant be bothered to use ebay cuz i dont trust it.
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