Hate Me or Kissing the Shadows?

Which song do you think is better? I'm just wondering what everyone is thinking, but i'd choose Hate Me.

I hate you... erm... I mean...

Hate me (for lyrics)...


Kissing the Shadows (for music)..

(Might wanna add a poll to this thread or something, give it some credibility)
wow tuff desicion im going to rate them on 10
hate me 10/10
kissing the shadows 10/11

i guess kissing the shadows is better

Dude... 10/11 IS SMALLER THAN 10/10

But yeah, Kissing the Shadows without a doubt. I don't like Hate Me that much.

EDIT: oops.... wait that was a typo, I wouldn't correct it if I said the same thing as him :rofl:
I like "Hate me!" a lot (it comes from Follow The Reaper album... how could I avoid to like it?) but I think I prefer "Kissing the shadows"...