Hatebreed-The Rise of Brutality Out NOW!!

NocturnalSun said:
it would be better if that 'crushing atonal positive heavy music' was actually good, though. The song structures are the same throughout, and the band constantly looks like they're trying to prove something all the time. Whereas, Slayer could take the stage and own it, because they have nothing to prove. Hatebreed has no overall sense of music. yes, the guitars are relatively good and the drum coordination is good, but the overall feel of the songs aren't right and very distorted by the constant blare of monotonous screaming. they could at least change up the screams a little bit to possibly include some low-tone screams and possibly even some singing, but they stick with the same boringass LOOK AT ME I AM MAD AT YOU screams. I think Jamie has the potential to sound good, i just don't think it'll ever happen. It's like wasted talent. The lyrics are well-thought and good, but the vocals make no accent to them. They just destroy the message.

btw who put Jamie Josta on hosting duty for Headbanger's Ball? he's on every week now! they should at least get someone different every week or even bring back Rachtman.

I agree with that for the most part.

Also, wtf is metalcore?
I'm still trying to figure that out... I think people just make up diff names cuz they wanna feel important. Either that or they rely on mp3.com's ways of classifying music. Metalcore makes no sense as a word. metal = heavier than hardcore. Hardcore = not as heavy as metal. metalcore = wtf??? :) haha

I'm stickin to my method... SHIT and NOT SHIT ;)
I think we know what category hatebreed falls under, there
I agree that the voice goes on, and on, and on, and on, so if you listen to a couple of there songs in a row you wont know if there is a new song or not yet, but some of there songs are good, so i dl them, and keep the good ones
Raumien said:

Don't like Hatebreed, don't like their whole We're so fucking tough act they seemed to put on Live....wish it was just Slayer and Arch Enemy ont he tour, leave out Sworn Enemy and HAtebreed, blah.

agreed, the tour would just be 20x better if fakebreed is kicked out. plus, hatebreed is not, and never has been, metal. sworn enemy i don't know nothing about, so i won't throw my pennies on that.
Sworn Enemy, I have seen at Ozzfest and I am really not impressed. Just like Memento and a few other new bands on the tour, they sucked. Motograter was the only fairly new band that was good. Sworn Enemy's sound isn't metal, it's more of just hard rock kind of sound. it's like they tried to do metal, but failed badly.
I said they were the only band out there who were quote: 'good'. What I was saying is that compared to the rest of the shit, Motograter was the top of 2nd stage. I didn't say I personally liked them, I just said that they were better than the other 2nd stage bands with exception to Killswitch Engage (now THAT is a band I personally LOVE)
What the fuck was that botched attempt at describing metalcore? Metalcore is a mixture of metal and hardcore (which is a style of punk, but with screamed / yelled vocals and louder distortion). Hardcore is not softer than metal, Hatebreed are hardcore and they are heavier than 90% of metal bands around. That's just retarded.
I have Perseverance and I like a few songs but metallic sounding hardcore bands like them get so boring. All they fucking do is play powerchords and do that hardcore scream. And make the same kind of lyrics like STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN! Can't they do anything other than that?
I've seen Sworn Enemy live with Biohazard and they were alright. What the fuck are you talking about calling them hard rock? They're just hardcore.
motograter is not shit and I also said "With the exception of Killswitch Engage.", meaning that KSE were better. I was judging solely by bands at Ozzfest. Motograter was in my top 3 second stage band list. KSE were first, Cradle of Filth 2nd, and Motograter 3rd, so that is why I said that they were one of the better bands of the 2nd stage. fuck... im not gonna explain myself to you if all you're gonna do is bitch & moan about my music tastes
I like Motograter. Their vocalist is good.

Oh, and I don't care if Hatebreed are hardcore or metalcore or crapcore or spookycore or gardencore or wardrobecore or fubucore or Armored Core, I like them. The bark is monotonous, the guitars are all power chords, but I still like it.

And that's all that should matter in the end.

However, NocturnalSun, the genre tag is only there to clarify the type of sound. Your two-way system is good, but sometimes people need a little more than that to group their favorite similar-sounding bands together and such.

Hatebreed don't classify as metalcore because they don't have melodies, solos, or the time signatures associated with metalcore. I think of metalcore as the same thing as melodic hardcore, but with solos and stuff. That might be confusing, so let me say this: If HB had twin guitar melodies or clean vocals ALONG WITH their breakdowns and mosh parts and punk power chords, then they'd probably be considered melo-hardcore or metalcore.

I just saw Shadows Fall, KsE, and LoG, so I think I've solidified in my mind what I think metalcore is.
LuminousAether said:
What the fuck was that botched attempt at describing metalcore? Metalcore is a mixture of metal and hardcore (which is a style of punk, but with screamed / yelled vocals and louder distortion). Hardcore is not softer than metal, Hatebreed are hardcore and they are heavier than 90% of metal bands around. That's just retarded.

Well, that pretty much sums up everthing.