Hatebreed-The Rise of Brutality Out NOW!!

NocturnalSun said:
uhh excuse me? Killswitch Engage = metalcore? I think not... it says right on their website that they are Emo Hardcore. I don't really get why they call themselves that, but ok

Hey hey! Watch yourself man!! I don't want you stepping outside of your box of shit and not shit..soo..let's just go ahead and re-label KSE SHIT or NOT SHIT...You're way too damn cool to start throwing down on some sub-genre's..
well Dimmu Borgir still think they're black metal. Peterson seems to think Dragonlord is black metal.

A band's opinion of their own genre isn't often much to go by.
Umm yea.. I really like the new hatebreed, being from ct I've been going to hatebreed shows forever. it's not as good as satisfaction or under the knife, but it's got the raw sound and the over proudced crappy sound perservance had. I don't care how many scene points I lose for still liking hatebreed, but I don't care there still awesome.

It's just that Soilent Goat is soooo obsessed with your opinions that he's stalking you on the boards...and probably in real life...Noc! Look out, behind you!

Just kidding.

Btw, Motograter's vocalist is good. If you acknowledge them as ok, you could probably get into them if you tried. And it's okay that you don't like Hatebreed. A lot of folks don't; I just happen to.
yes, I agree Motograter's vox are great, similar to Mudvayne's clean style if you ask me. The rest of the band isn't really to my liking, though.

:) haha actually SoilentGoat came on another thread having NOTHING to do w/ hatebreed or motograter, and bashed me once again on there for saying something I didn't even say, which is really weird...

-locks door, shuts windows-

:) hahaaahaha