

† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
I think the song Hatebreeder would've had the potential to be one of the best songs of COB. Not sure but I read somewhere they were intending to make a remix version but turned it down. The song is stupid but has some nice riffs. I'd like the song to begin with this calm flute-like keyboard voice as in the Tokyo Warhearts version, and I like the way it is there better: first drum beat high, second low and third high again (the overmixed album version does it the other way which is worse) and then a huge more aggressive boom, sort of compromising and connecting the album and live version properties. And the song could be more moody and dark, cleaner and more metal, you know.. downtuning the guitars and having a more malice echo to them is what they should do and return to more classic keyboard elements. They could do this for their new album and name the song something else, like.. Snakebite.. you know there's this atmoshpere in the song that something's lurking in the dark and you know it's gonna surprise and kill you.. and the famous Skin Head drink is called Black Snake Bite (beer, cider and blackberry drink). Just make it a classic instead of ridicilous.. There's this nice feeling of a hopeless escape in the song. Oh yeah, and also make a cover of Pamela Andersson's Violator, sharp violins, like Alexi's guitar.. hehe.. Tell me what do you people think..
I actually read the paragraph... I think its full of shit... Basicly the idea of the song is just lashing out at shit... I mean try to find the lyrics somewhere (probalbly not accurate)... Anyway I think its a classic... :p
hatebreeder and something wild are fucking classics. their new stuff is good but they really need to go back to those days.

i'm glad i don't have to worry about Kalmah starting to suck :headbang:
Well, the singing in the first two albums pretty much sucks. And there are songs with good potential, but obviously there's a lack of some kind of maturity there... I think that for example Towards Dead End sounds pretty damn good on the (Tokyo Warhearts) live version, but the album version is incredibly over mixed and sounds, well, embarrasing. But just yesterday I noticed that the last 60secs of the song is actually pretty good. And I don't think that paragraph was a load of bull at all. Hatebreeder has huge potential, the live version is damn good for the beginning and the sharp guitar solos, but that's it. I'm just saying I'd remake it. Lake Bodom, a terrible song but "a classic" due to the legendary melody...
dude, you have so many ideas for a band, just make your own rather than trying to change Bodom. But then again, thats just my observation. Write your own song and call it snakebite with downtuned guitars and all that...
Just expressing my visions, dude. Anyway I think Black Snake Bite could be an exciting name for a Bodom song because it's the skinner drink but it could be rasistic, but not many black people listen to Bodom I think...
If they re-recorded it, they'd ruin it. They should write some new songs in that style, not re-record nu-metal versions of their old songs.