Josh Seipp Member Nov 19, 2003 2,992 1 38 47 Baltimore Visit site May 24, 2005 #1 it just came to light that I got friggin WASTED with her husband last summer weird
deadair Overly-Cryptic Jake Aug 14, 2002 7,928 2 38 46 the place of next Hamiltons May 24, 2005 #2 HSADLHGASLJHGAHGAHASHAHAHAHAHAHA
mindspell vvv Jake's ass vvv Jul 6, 2002 3,641 3 38 Montreal May 24, 2005 #3 How the hell did you end up in that conversation?
Josh Seipp Member Nov 19, 2003 2,992 1 38 47 Baltimore Visit site May 24, 2005 #4 she was talking about him and several facts turned on a lightbulb in my head and it just clicked I was like *ding* "Is he a wine seller?? I got so trashed with him last summer!"
she was talking about him and several facts turned on a lightbulb in my head and it just clicked I was like *ding* "Is he a wine seller?? I got so trashed with him last summer!"
avi W3RK3R Aug 21, 2002 10,213 3 38 Oly, WA May 24, 2005 #5 is this a positive or a negative development?
Josh Seipp Member Nov 19, 2003 2,992 1 38 47 Baltimore Visit site May 25, 2005 #7 it's neither here nor their, but let it be known that from what I recall, hubby is a swell dude. except that he likes to buy tequila shots at last call.
it's neither here nor their, but let it be known that from what I recall, hubby is a swell dude. except that he likes to buy tequila shots at last call.