you guys are going to bore me to death today

lizard said:
director = SEXIST also I bet she has blocky legs with thick austrian style ankles.

AKA tree trunk legs. the funny thing is today she's wearing a leater skirt with fishnets. i mean, what's the diff?
the_preppy said:
it's like the weirdest feeling ever.

also, this bitch just called the intern 'missy' again. a lonnng time ago when i was still dating this other kid, she asked me how my 'hubby' was (another really annoyo saying of hers) and i had to say that he was dead because he was. fucking bitchface. she's so nosy.

this wins the most NOT FUNNY AT ALL post of the year for being so true and so absolutely inappropriate at the same time.
i mean, i thought we were dating, but we settled it! (amazing we could do that over txt!) it was a rough weekend, okay? i'll return the friendship ring i bought! bbbbutt at least answer my e-mails!
so... you walked out of julie's room and he's like there in the hallway with this other girl?
also, where exactly did your 'bf' come in this story, cuz i think i missed that.

i need to live in a more lively environment, because this would be enough entertainment to warrant never getting cable.
chupe, it was a one post story. then i just listed things that were weird and going on lately. that story about steve and julie was totally true. it was bizarre. it was also like 3 am and i guess they were all hopped up on meth (me being hopped up on.... soda) the weird part is they've been going out for at least 7 years and he's never cheated on her? i guess he got fed up. it was the worst / best weekend ever.

also, nix, i wrote you back and was wondering wtf your problem was. i hate your email server to the bones now.
i think i just see these things because everyone knows i barely ever really pass judgment and i am just sort of aloof all the time and unphased. they otherwise just do it in secret.