the "admit to something you are pretty much in denial about otherwise" thread

I have an awful receeding hairline and I'm 21.

My torso has the muscle tone of Christopher Reeve's thigh.

I have a lisp when I'm not focusing hard on speaking correctly.

I watch WWF Tough Enough religiously.

I haven't gotten laid in over 9 months.
Originally posted by goatschool
- i don't think about sex as much as i probably should.

- i'm really kind of height-challenged.

- i seriously, seriously like fleetwood mac. there are personal reasons behind the denial.

- i seriously, seriously like alice in chains. there is no excuse for this.

see prep, i could fuel this thread with about 15 more posts, at least.

I'm with you on three of these. I think Alice in Chains is pretty over-rated though.
i thought this was the board where people say weird things that arent very funny, not the board where people get all uptight if you joke about dogs