Have any of you heard of this Christian Band? Red Sea


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
I'm curious to see if any of you have heard of Red Sea.

It's a one time project consisting of ex-members of Badlands and some other Christian band that I've never heard of.

Anyway, I've just discovered it, and I really like what I hear. The sound is heavy blues, with a lead vocalist named, Robyn Kyle Basauri. Robyn is the main reason that I like this, because he has a killer voice! The project was created in 1994 and the record label is non-existent these days. I did an internet search in an attempt to find out what has become of Robyn, but I was unsuccessful. It's a shame that this guy isn't involved in hard rock/metal music anymore!

It's good stuff, and I highly recommend it if you like discovering obscure stuff.
I have their only album "Blood". I bought it 'cause I had heard a lot of good things about this album at The Christian Metal Realm. It's well done, but somehow it didn't really grab me.
The guitar player in Red Sea used to play in a band called Fear Not. Robyn also sings on P.K. Mitchell's All Hail the Power cd. Robyn also sang in a band called Die Happy, with former memebers of Vengeance Rising. Really good stuff if you like that heavy blues type stuff.
Best of my recollection, Basauri left music, moved to Idaho and became a professional candy maker of some sort.

AND - P.K. Mitchell is alluding (on Facebook) to the fact that Robyn may be coming out of retirement soon...

peace/faith/hope/love in Christ Jesus,

I wish, wish, WISH I had bought this back in the day. Robyn Kyle Basauri was a phenomenal singer. I never could get into Die Happy, but loved some worship stuff he did with the Sanctuary Praise band. His version of Mylon LeFevre's "Behold the Lamb" gave me goose bumps. I am assuming that like a lot of musicians of that era, he got burnt out on the behind the scenes crap and left. This disc would have been HUGE for that era if it had been released mainstream.
According to a thread on the CMR, Robin Kyle and the boys in Die Happy are talking reunion. I love Red Sea but I've never gotten into Die Happy at all.