Christian vs. Secular music?

Foolishandbroken said: (guy reviews his CD collection, secular and Christian)

I second this. I love this site and use it many times every week. It's great for reference when looking for new music, because you get a discography and reviews of each album with info on style/genre and member changes. Plus he always talks about alternate releases (different songs, different covers, etc), so that as I plan my Cd purchases, I always know if I'm missing something. The guy who runs this site rocks and he has almost complete coverage of secular and Christian metal. He must just about have the most complete collection of metal CDs out there.

FYI, he hasn't heard Theocracy, but I e-mailed him and am in the process of sending him a CD so that he can check them out and get them on his site.
While I agree with the replies....I am troubled by the frequent use of the word "religion" or "religious".
Christianity was never meant to be a fact religion is a form of idolatry.
It's not a big deal really....but when it comes to Christianity I'm pretty anal about that sort of thing. And that is scripture. (religion that is. not about being anal) It's a personal experience and not a religion....just to clarify. I'm not trying to start another topic, or pick a fight.....just one of those factoids that I felt was worth mentioning.
a personal experience to be shared with others :) spread the Word!

but i see what you're saying, and i agree: spreadin' the Good Word isn't the same as slamming it on people, that's no way to represent God's message.
well the reason I say that is because scripturally God despises religion.
taken from this site.
The English word "religion" is etymologically derived from the Latin word religo, meaning to "bind up." Religion binds people up in rules and regulations or in ritualistic patterns of devotion.
Colossians 2:23
Acts 17:22
"religious" used here is Greek for respecting demons.
Deuteronomy 12:31
Isaiah 1:10-15
Amos 5:21-24.....and so on.
I prefer to say 'faith' rather than religious. And people who use the word religion and Christian together really don't know what they are talking about. True Christians never say they are religious.
I am a Christian. I listen to mainly secular music, and some Christian metal. The music I write comes from the heart and I know why I do it. Music is music, doesn't matter to me what it's how you hear it.
SeaStorm said:
I second this. I love this site and use it many times every week. It's great for reference when looking for new music, because you get a discography and reviews of each album with info on style/genre and member changes. Plus he always talks about alternate releases (different songs, different covers, etc), so that as I plan my Cd purchases, I always know if I'm missing something. The guy who runs this site rocks and he has almost complete coverage of secular and Christian metal. He must just about have the most complete collection of metal CDs out there.

FYI, he hasn't heard Theocracy, but I e-mailed him and am in the process of sending him a CD so that he can check them out and get them on his site.

Actually, the guy who runs is Scott Waters, the vocalist of Ultimatum :)
Yes, he knows his stuff and he really should know Theocracy since Theocracy is mentioned pretty often at the Christian Metal Realm :)
I had lunch the other day with the assistant pastor of our church. He's my age and we grew up in Sunday school together. I happened to ask him about this subject.
He said that he doesn't like metal....but that's his personal taste. As for whether or not he felt Christian metal was wrong...he answered...some people may never hear about God any other way, so if heavy metal is what it takes to spread the word then crank it up. He's organized Christian concerts for the youth groups with Christian rock bands and rap groups. He always tells the congregation "if you don't like distortion guitars, don't come." and so on. This way none of the seniors go and feel offended, or frightened by the noise. He states it's mainly a generational thing....the older people dislike it....but with the church changing and generations phasing in and out, you gotta keep up.
oh as a side note....he tells me that one of the Christian hip-hop events he held in the church parking lot some time ago.....the bar accross the street emptied out and the patrons went and enjoyed the show.
whatever it takes is right.
sort of on topic.....but what about a Christian themed band taking on non-Christian members? I recently got an email from Allen Johnson (former bass player for Exciter and Beehler) about me either working on his new project or if my current project needed members. Seems he was given a demo I did a few years ago and had many kind words about my work. I am avoiding doing his project simply because it sounds very dated, total 80's thrash, and I'm not keen on the themes. In kind, would I be in the wrong to invite him into my power metal project since we really need a bass player, and he has tremendous experience? I feel a little conflicted. It is flattering when somewhat big names are interested in you, also a little intimidating.
here's his old bands website.
not at all man. imo it would be a great idea to invite him to your band, it could be a way for him to discover God for himself, if he is a non-christian. there is always the chance that he'll say no, but there's always the chance he'll say yes.
with all due respect, why wouldnt you want to do it?? its hard enough to find musicians that play this kind of music as it is, and you're discriminating a really good one because of his faith? and what exactly do you mean by negative influence? the fact that he isn't christian doesnt mean he's a satanist or anything.
again, i dont mean any offense with this, i am just curious.

Hey man, just let him know up-front what your music is about. If he's knows it's about Christianity and he still wants to play for you, chances are he's not turned off by the faith.
well it doesn't appear we'll be working together. he wanted me to sing in his new project, which is mostly about anarchy, death, drinking and dry humping. He wanted me to sing like Rob Halford with some low growly stuff mixed in. Hard to get someone who sings a lot like Kai Hansen to want to do that. As for my project (when I said negative influence) it was pretty much what I expected. I had a chance to get a Hired gun for Annihilator (Sandor) on bass, but after he did a European tour opening for Priest it was hard to get him interested in my band. He loved the music, but he wanted to start making money right away, and didn't care about the project itself. Same with A.J. He seems more about pumping out mediocre material and making quick bucks, rather than being passionate about a project. I was pretty turned off by that.
Oh well....the search continues, and the project goes on, slowly.
I guess its the same as us non- christians not wery likely listen to christian music, I make an exeption for paramaecium though.