The members of Theocracy are really christian?

You saw Garfield? I'm sorry, but, Garfield, a Demon? I think not!

jajaja Just what i said "Someone will not believe..

Do you remember a cartoon of a little blue men with whites hat in spanish The name was Los pitufos google translate say that in english is The Smurfs.
Well those little and innocents cartoons are demons too they´re The executioners in the hell.
The´re equal than the cartoon but in the hell have giants teeth and their job is laugh of the souls....

Please you all Pray to God to open your eyes and let you see what he see and eat bible (read much biblie)
You seem to be sorely confused. I don't care if the demons are real or if you're psychotic, I really don't. But, the truth is, you've already fallen to the enemy's lies, despite your caution. Want to know how I know that? You said "I was reading the bible and God scolded me." God does not scold; God does not condemn. God is a god of love, and therefore lovingly convicts. Anything that evokes guilt or you could call "scolding" is from the enemy, not God.
goldenight, I'll be quite frank. You're taking this way too far. At this point, I'm not sure if you're just being a troll, or if you're on the edge of insanity. Either way, it does not bode well for you.

God does not scold; God does not condemn. God is a god of love, and therefore lovingly convicts. Anything that evokes guilt or you could call "scolding" is from the enemy, not God.

So, how does God lovingly convict people to Hell? How did he lovingly convict Sodom and Gomorrah? He didn't, he condemned and judged accordingly. In short, God does scold, he will condemn, and he will judge. Yes, he is a God of mercy. But one can push the limits. Sure The Bible is riddled with examples of God's judgment, and even more so of his mercy. But just because the examples of mercy are far more than examples of judgment does not mean that judgment/scolding/condemnation will not come from God.
lol hey goldenight you have listened this band and maybe see this little hobgoblin to run around your house? jajajajajajajaja
jajaja Men which have eyes to see, see....
Think whatever you want to think is not my fall...
Anyway in the end if we go to heaven God will reveal all the secrets the only that you have to do is try to be there.

(FleshAndBloodTheocracy) You really don´t read the bible if you read Genesis, Exodus, 1 Kings, 2 King, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Psalms (The Psalms reveal the parts of the Sheol that the soul of the people that are alive could go), Job, Isaiah (The judgement of the final same of apocalipsis) and apocalipse.
You will see all the punishment because the people turn their eyes of God.

Well i´ll finish with this conversation..

Do what ever you want to do trust what ever you want to trust is your life i´ll keep reading the bible and i´ll start to study the bible.

If you go to a chruch you could ask if i´m lying or i´m saying something that is wrong but i suggest READ THE BIBLE!!!

Matt Smith thanks for answer my question.

God bless you all.
goldenight, I'll be quite frank. You're taking this way too far. At this point, I'm not sure if you're just being a troll, or if you're on the edge of insanity. Either way, it does not bode well for you.

So, how does God lovingly convict people to Hell? How did he lovingly convict Sodom and Gomorrah? He didn't, he condemned and judged accordingly. In short, God does scold, he will condemn, and he will judge. Yes, he is a God of mercy. But one can push the limits. Sure The Bible is riddled with examples of God's judgment, and even more so of his mercy. But just because the examples of mercy are far more than examples of judgment does not mean that judgment/scolding/condemnation will not come from God.

They don't, since Christ. People only go to Hell because as much as He is a loving God, He is also a just God. Christ is our "legal loophole" so to speak.
I've been away for a month or so since my PC's been busted.

Now that I'm here all I can say there is way too much unfunny spam and whatnot. It's all so very discouraging... Ryan, yours is the name I see the most, and little of your posts make sense.
Added, please stop arguing with people who are supposedly trolls.
Other than that I've missed you all, :D
I've been away for a month or so since my PC's been busted.

Now that I'm here all I can say there is way too much unfunny spam and whatnot. It's all so very discouraging... Ryan, yours is the name I see the most, and little of your posts make sense.
Added, please stop arguing with people who are supposedly trolls.
Other than that I've missed you all, :D


But yes, I agree....didn't Ryan specifically create a thread to contain all the spam? Where did that go?

And welcome back. :wave:

But yes, I agree....didn't Ryan specifically create a thread to contain all the spam? Where did that go?

And welcome back. :wave:

Well I didn't start this thread... now did I? I said what i had to to get the guy to stop trolling and he did. So the spam was over a while ago. No need to ressurect this dead thread. :err: In fact... bumping a thread like this is even more pointless. :/
Welcome back anyway!
Well I didn't start this thread... now did I? I said what i had to to get the guy to stop trolling and he did. So the spam was over a while ago. No need to ressurect this dead thread. :err: In fact... bumping a thread like this is even more pointless. :/
Welcome back anyway!

I feel sorry for you... I´ll start to pray for you..
Dude. You somehow got past the ugliness of this thread and have started becoming a normal "regular" of this forum. Don't poke a stick in the eyes of the locals. Let this thread disappear (by not posting in it and bumping it up the top of the forum) and let's all move on...
They don't, since Christ. People only go to Hell because as much as He is a loving God, He is also a just God. Christ is our "legal loophole" so to speak.

I think with scolding the OP might've referred to:

Hebrews 12:
5 And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says,

“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline,
and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves,
and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”

10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best
(human fathers); but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.

Also, Christ coming did not change God. God is still the same. (Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6 etc.) He will still discipline/scold His children when they disobey(sin) - for our own good and growth in Christ! I mean you'll probably agree the Holy Spirit convicting christians of sin right(John 16:8)? Perhaps that's what the OP was after, just with different wording.

To the OP:
Keep praying for your family/people you live with!

PS. My first post! Hi all :D Sorry for bumping thread people wanted to die but I really wanted to address this comment...
Yeah, I think this thread should just end. It's gotten just completely pointless.

Not completely pointless. I haven't logged into this forum for a long time until today. I read through each one and learned a little about each of you - how much you love God and the Bible. It was a huge comfort and encouragement to see fellow metal-head Theocracy fans acting and sounding just as Christian as I am.

Anyway, sorry for bringing this thread back to the top, especially as old as it is. I just wanted to say thank you all for loving God and each other.
The 11th Commandment is:

Thou shalt not feed the trolls.

Its true. If you really, really, really, really are a Christian and you have "the keys" to "decode" the real truth in the Bible and dig deep and pray better than other people you too can clearly see that I'm 100% right on the accuracy of the 11th commandment.

I mean really, 3 pages? Even after a response from Matt? Someone lock this thread and let's move on to more positive things.